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    I'll admit I haven't heard his stuff. I'll give it a listen. You might be right.

    Maybe my view is skewed on this because of where I live and the comments section of my local newspaper's facebook, but this was actually pretty tame and I only took it as a simile, not a "HAHA! LOOK AT THIS FREAK!" kind of post. Folks around here post the same, "Who cares? There's more important things than this

    That's one of my favorite bits by him! "They're living the dream! If they want some time to themselves, they can send the kid to their room on some trumped up charges."

    Protip: You probably shouldn't ever listen to Bill Burr, Louis C.K., George Carlin or any other comedian who doesn't really worry too much about boundaries.

    Ahhh, a game for the nu-Columbine generation. :/


    My story is why I don’t accept Friend Requests online anymore.

    Halo 2. My friends and I had formed a local team and we’d play at malls and at LAN parties. We’d gotten pretty good and all knew each others rhythms, etc. We played online and a guy had asked to party up with us. We let him in and had a good time playing as

    That must have been a pretty in-depth survey you did to get that conclusion, Skip.

    I’m kind of on board with this. I think we’ve gotten spoiled on media forms of all kind. I notice it mainly in movies and gaming but, rather than sit back and really just enjoy the experience, we sit back and say, “Okay, let’s see what’s wrong with THIS!” We’re quick to tear everything down and disregard the

    I actually forget about it from time to time. The plus side is I'm always pleasantly surprised when I boot up my xbox and the game is right where I left it and ready to go.

    You are using yourself as a representative of the majority of gamers. That’s where this whole thing falls apart.

    I'll revoke that one solely because it brought about that wonderful name. Good on you!

    I'm pretty impressed that rather than have Liu Kang kneeling at the end, they put him in some weird lunge position. He probably blew Kitana off because she interrupted his leg day.

    I’m sure it advances her arc as well. It’s hard to imagine that they just leave it at “Look! Sansa’s been violated and is weaker for it!” But hey, maybe you’ve got someone in the writers room and an inside scoop.

    I’m with you on not understanding the hype behind things. Lord of the Rings, the Simpsons, Harry Potter and the Hobbit are some of the most boring things out there, yet they get eaten up like they’re candy. Ugh.

    As a former religious person, I think younger generations are at the point that it’s not so much the feeling of being “above” something so much as it’s kind of a trope to attack religion because science. It’s not so much, “You can’t make fun of God!” as it is “oh. Another ‘I don’t believe in God’ statement/act/etc.

    The smooth, upbeat jazz really completes the package. Thank you.

    Someone change the record, please. *yawnn*

    For a non-criminal story, my ex and I were displaced due to Hurricane Katrina when the Xbox 360 came out. I had just gotten my insurance settlement for the stuff I lost and we positioned outside of a Best Buy in Jackson, Mississippi for about 18 hours. We were number five and six in line, since one of us was waiting

    Tina, I'm ashamed to admit it but my friends and I were seedy jerks in our teenage years. There was one particular kid named Andrew. Andrew would tell us about all the cool things he had and how he had all this money his mom would leave him every day. The reason for this was that she worked every day, so she'd leave