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    If you know how the fanbase acts, and you think so little of them, why are you engaging them still? You stated your opinion, these guys stated theirs and yet you're still going on. Now, you're throwing homoerotic insults out at these guys. Just a few responses ago, to NanoRaptor, you mentioned how immature certain

    People are retarded for enjoying the game? That's about as fair as saying that people that can't spell Advantage are retarded.

    I get your complaint. My retort is just that there are better ways to go about things than being an ass. You can be right, though. It looks like it means more to you than it does to me. You and your Nook play on, player.

    Your constant mockery of the others would warrant the grow up statement, since you clearly are lacking the ability to rationally and calmly explain things. I didn't know you needed flash cards to understand. Calling people idiots for playing the game at face value and not delving deeper is pretty unwarranted. Maybe



    I really like reading your responses to people because it's like someone gave my 13 year old cousin access to a computer and freedom to speak his mind:

    This isn't that big of an issue. A lot of stores will retroactively price-match, meaning if the product goes on sale within X amount of days of purchase, they'll refund you the difference. If the sale ended on the 3rd and goes back on the 17th, that's two weeks and within a lot of stores policy. Worst case


    Yeah. I don't regret the purchases. I don't see the point in knocking someone for disliking a game you liked. If everyone loved the exact same games, the server maintenance would be ridiculous lol

    This seems more of a Letters To The Editor kind of email rather than a comment on the positives of 2014.

    I figured I'd start a new response thread, rather than buddy up off of another one. I agree with your feeling about SO playing like Titanfall. I wasn't really a fan of it initially, but I gave it about an hour worth of really trying to get into the story and, while the story itself wasn't that interesting to me, the

    That's cool. You can have nothing. I'll take some free stuff as an apology. I'll still learn from this and wait on buying stuff instead of preordering or jumping day one, but some free stuff for the hassle isn't a bad thing.

    Really, though, you should write them and tell them that you don't want it instead of

    Funny how a year ago, Playstation had their finger on the pulse of what's hot and new, but allowed SE to drop the ball on this one. A friend of mine almost bought a PS4 because he heard about an HD remake of this. I'm not sure if he will anymore when he could just buy a Vita, the game itself and take it wherever he

    I'm a little confused as to why you're using the word hate when replying directly to me. Contextually, that doesn't really make sense. I don't hate the guy, nor did I say I do. I dislike his antics and, after two viewings of his stuff on YouTube, quickly determined I was not interested in his particular style of

    You're right. Colleagues would have been a better term. Maybe contemporaries.

    Snapshot Pancakes!

    OR!!! Or...


    At one point, millions of people loved Dane Cook. There's no accounting for taste.