Now playing

This is between two faaaar less consequential players, but blocks where the other guys almost dies are the best blocks.

if you wanna make tomato-cheese casserole that’s fine but don’t call it pizza

The New York Roughriders

Look I hate to be that guy, and I know this is a very sensitive subject, but I have to ask the question:

And this is why style guides are important. Should probably read like this

To me it sounds like that sentence is saying the Founders Fund owns a majority stake in Barstool and is backed by Peter Thiel and the Chernin Group. Why are clauses so confusing?

<40 seconds of fart sounds>


No, that’s not what he’s telling you.

First controversial call happened earlier when he called a right down the middle Gerrit Cole pitch a ball in the previous half inning.

It’s part of their Privacy Policy changes.

Dodgers fans also can’t stop bashing...other fans.

Oh yeah? Well the fuck off and die store called, and they’re all out of YOU!

Now THIS is a good play on the photo.

I am not one to excuse asshole umpires but if you listen to enough manager-umpire arguments, half of it is them not knowing what to yell at each other while looking like they’re winning the argument for the fans in the back row. It’s inevitable there will be some “you mean the panties your mother laid out for

“Mea kulpa.”

Donald Trump didn’t want to take out a full page ad calling to send the Central Park Five to the gas chamber.  But he felt he owed it to them.

“People, some people, will say that I cheat at golf, but I own a lot of golf courses, beautiful golf courses, let me tell you, courses everywhere in this country, all around the world, golf courses with so much green grass, stretching as far as the eye can see, and golf is really a great game isn’t it folks? You

Thank you for the reminder that tacos are sandwiches. Many people here seem to overlook that fact.

Me either, it's a lot easier to just place it out there with your hands and say that you're playing "winter rules."