

It probably should be a combination of the two: teens arrested as suspects in alleged attack.

In general, attempts to combine dessert and alcohol are often ill-fated and best left to the pros.

I was in college around the same time as you, and agree with the irrational hatred of Fat Tire because of the reasons you stated. But I had one the other day and it was tasty. I’ve retracted all my irrational hatred for the beer. 

Good thing playoff stats don’t count towards career total.

I tried a Beyond burger and because of my suffering through the horrid soy/whatever burgers that were served in public school, I had a nasty, decades old flashback to those.

No, no, I got it.

eat poop? 

Or or imagine being the person who felt compelled to give the other idiot who felt compelled to give the idiot who called for a nationwide ban on plates free publicity because you thought it was weird to think repeating the obvious sentiment expressed in opposition to this fucking idiotic non-controversy somehow

Not everyone congratulated Ward on the small victory. Plenty of replies on Twitter criticize her for wanting the plates pulled from stores: “How about this. Just don’t buy it?” was the common sentiment. I expect this controversy, like most on the internet, will fade after 24-36 hours. But imagine being the person who

By winning the Conservative Party leadership contest on Tuesday—he secured a majority of votes from the 160,000 members of the party in a country of 66 million people (that’s 0.24 percent of the population”

While I haven’t ordered one in over ten years, the 4x4 at In n’ Out was outstanding. 

Did the exact same thing and I was also shocked. There is a minor league men’s team in Orange County, that honestly, probably won’t make it. The guys investing in that team are trying to get picked up by another club, or something. Seems like their money would have gone farther bringing a professional woman’s team to

Now playing

The big problem with a lot of these masocore levels is that it’s a lot of trial and error. Sure, there’s skill in executing everything just right once you know the level, but until then, it’s often a case of “advance forward, die to something you couldn’t anticipate, go back to the beginning and get a little further,

Its not just dumb, but also dumber.

Look if you want to hold yourself to an even higher standard, be my guest, I am just laying out what I think the baseline rules for keeping a ball at a ballgame. 

A reckless beaning is worse than trucking a catcher, given the circumstances.

Does an Austrian guy call round two of sex “putting another shrimp on the barbie?”

I was thinking Greenwell.  She has aggressively bad opinions. 

What do you think? Must a fan always give a baseball to a kid, even if it’s a walk-off dinger? Or is Mai Tai Guy a hero and an example to grown men everywhere who still bring baseball gloves to games?