
The statement is still (probably) accurate.

Rape isn’t about sex. It’s about exercising power over someone else. That’s exactly what happened in this article. It was predatory from the second she set foot in the VIP area.

If I recall, Clark (Kelly) lived on a boat in Without Remorse so I’d guess there will be some shirtless scenes. 

cocaine.  It was a cocaine joke. 

Here’s to McCarthy. 

Jordan’s work as Black Panther’s Erik Killmonger established him as a villain of the first order

I dunno guys, Will has a point. Burgers at home are simple and delicious.

Also I stand in some strange ways, look kind of jowlier than I’d hoped, and shaded what I intended to be a subtle Steve Brule homage into something a lot more overt.

Nooot muuch.

Yeah Idk, you make a good point except he was signed hours after the final preseason game, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah Idk, you make a good point except he was signed hours after the final preseason game, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I mean they did sign him literally hours after their final preseason game. 

Word on the LA Sports talk radio Rams waiting to pay Donald was more just to allow him to avoid camp than it was any real resistance to paying him.

Drew, I give, the red field in Eastern Washinton!

Christ, that reads like an urban legend. (not saying your lying or anything).

This guy really is a quack.  I’ve been on vacation since Wednesday and I’ve had about 30 coors lights and I took a nap in the sun this afternoon. And would you believe it, I got a nasty sun burn.  Bullshit. 

“Stinks to be them!” - Rougned Odor