
It has to be the movie because of DVD and TV airings, but the Waterworldstage show is AWESOME. It’s run for 20 years at that stupid park and it’s gonna run for 20 more

, Been thinking about this throughout season 3 and now this season but was that the first time we have seen Jimmy and Kim be kiss?

Worlds Greatest is better than Number 1!

This is great. And I love hightop tables in the bar! 

If I fuck up one hole, which usually happens because I don’t hit it hard enough when the ball is like two feet away because I don’t want to hit it so hard that it just goes further and then down a slope and then into a section of Astroturf that’s been sprayed a different color to convince me it’s a ball trap, I lose

camaraderie of Trump’s inner circle

Dream On! 

If you are over 30 and grew up in the United States, it’s quite possible your introduction to sushi was a California roll made with imitation crab.

If we don’t get our heads caved in after this stretch, Sept. 22: Stanford, Sept. 29: @ California, Oct. 13: Washington, Oct. 20: @ Washington State, Oct. 27: @ Arizona, then I say they probably win the Pac 12, but I doubt they go unscathed, so they are probably on the outside looking in for the Playoff. Again,

while I still don’t expect the Ducks to challenge for a conference title this year, I wouldn’t be surprised if they either stick around in the conversation well into November or at least seriously ruin the hopes of the teams above them.

ya, prolly.

*Flyover hick does stupid thing.*

If you can aim at the worst player, you can also probably aim for the gaps. 5-6 hole, 3-4 holes, outfield gaps, but never up the box. It’s not that hard. 

I think the co-ed leagues are to foster dating or meeting people, but these leagues should be avoided by anyone who is competitive. They are for getting drunk and hanging out. If you want to compete stay in your own gendered leagues.

aw man, I like early coldplay :(

I know he says otherwise, but it’s hard not to read the character in The Hike as anyone but Drew. 

Appropo of mid 2000's sensational comedies, I really think Napolean Dynomite has aged like a fine wine. It’s utterly perfect. As I have aged from sports playing youth to washed-up never-was, Uncle Rico’s character arc is far more relatable, and painfully tragic. 

Hey buddy, I am not sure if you are new ‘round these parts, but this is deadspin, and we are here for good lines like “big ol’ two-blade helicopter.” There were enough facts to get the point of the article across, enjoy some jokes, and see a crazy helicopter rescue.

$200k isn’t chump change for a Federal judge. They make a good living, but not $200k chump change kind of money.

Yes. Yes he could.