
I think there is some confusion and it stems from my sloppy prose. I didn’t mean to say I think McCoy’s allegations seemed overwhelmingly true, I meant of all allegations against all sports guys, a majority, or rather, an overwhelming number of the accusation against sports guys (and gals!) seem to turn out to be out

But very rarely is it just a side-eye to allegations, but instead justifications for the actions, ie, she is an attention whore, she asked for it, she wasn’t listening, she dressed like a slut, etc, etc etc. So forgive me if I don’t buy your questioning.

Yeah probably right, but I’d rather believe the victim and then be proven wrong than immediately discredit the victim. 

Thanks guy.

Nah, those were true.

I didn’t say the allegations seemed true. 

Already seeing the creeps on twitter coming out to defend this scum, dragging Cordon’s reputation through the mud, calling her an opportunist. Out of curiosity, when allegations like this come out against athletes, how often are they completely false? I mean I’m sure it’s happened, but it just seems like the

Thanks! I didn’t realize that. You still hear “Max” players promoting a dollar figure, so I didn’t realize it was a percentage of the cap.  Like you said, make it for all players contracts. 

The NBA would be infinitely better without a salary cap. But until the day comes when the Cap goes away, Players should be paid a percentage of the coming years salary cap, instead of a fixed dollar amount. 

Yeah I had to search for an image for the falls too, and their deaths must have been grizzly.

This was me growing up. Had to have the sets, but I never kept them built for longer than a week and never rebuilt the sets.

It’s so odd the number of people that are in such a hurry to defend a serial sexual abuser that they completely and utterly missed the joke. They should try and empathize with victims of sexual assault instead of the perpetrators.

*nervous laughter trying to suppress the cutting truth of this comment*

Brother, now you’ve gone too far. That is simply unbeleivable. 

So now we know that Chris Bosio is a racist and a liar.

I’m with you Stan. I didn’t care for season 1 beyond how nice it looked. Season 2 was more compelling. 

Fuck this turtle-ass looking motherfucker.

My question to Linger would be this: what time was the late reservation for in conjunction to when the restaurant closed? If the place closed at 9:30 and you set your reservation for 9:15, or even 9, you’re almost guaranteed to feel rushed by the server

Wetsuits are a pain in the ass to get off. Harder still since I am naked and either outside my car or can’t go inside since I am wet, so I struggle to get it past my knees and ankles while keeping a towel wrapped around me.