
Yeah that’s fair enough, and I think Laura lays out her reasoning for breaking the kayfabe pretty solidly, whether you agree with her reasoning or not.

What a wank, if “anyone with an internet connection and 30 seconds can easily find out his name’s Eric Sollenberger,” and you show your face on national TV often, is it really doxxing?


Frustrated, [Timms] quit his brewing job in early 2018, convinced that craft brewers were getting shorted across the U.S. beer industry. “There are people making money here,” he says, “but it’s not us.”

National College Football twitter is fun, like most broad twitter groups. But yes, once you get to team specific twitter, like FSU Twitter or basically any other fan base, then it is truly awful.

I don’t play fantasy golf so I guess if that’s the standard for an avid golf fan then i’m not an avid golf fan. But that’s not true and you and I both know that. Seriously, unless you had a specific rooting interest for a player outside of general fandom (family/friend/hometown guy) or played fantasy golf, I can’t

the final cut after shooting a 78 on Saturday

Yeah buddy!

The Pacific Time Zone is a far superior location for sports fans thus it is actually the Land of the Light. Checkmate.

The comment I was replying to said the City Counsil has bigger fish to fry, that being Washington State’s terrible tax scheme. I know nothing about Seattl’s local politics or Washington state politics. I do know that tax schemes by a municipality and tax schemes by a State legislature are largely independent, so its

Any time you start a sentence with “the only way [to do something]” you should probably just delete the comment as there are always more than one way to do most things.

Also, it’s not poor economics. The purpose of taxes is to generate revenue and/or prevent undesirable conduct. Seattle has decided it is undesirable to have rising housing costs. This tax is an attempt to keep rising housing costs in check.  

BTW - Washington State in general has an extremely regressive tax structure, which includes no personal or corporate income taxes. There are bigger fish to fry when it comes to the collection and distribution of public dollars in the Seattle area.

Can he go back into the grey’s if he doesn’t deliver?

Maybe the 2nd best basketball player of all time without any rings. Because we all know he has no rings in the Stugotz personal record book.

I have next to no interest for any meal delivery kits but I do like perusing Blue Apron’s Cookbook for recipe ideas. Just last week I adopted their Spicy Broccoli & Fresh Fusilli Pasta but added spicy Italian sausage and tomato paste instead of the chili paste. It was delicious.

Cherry vodka (burnetts!!) and soda. It was a lot of fun. The next day not so much.

I’m curious why your first reaction is to defend a child rapist?

I am 30, squarely in the middle of the millennial generation. I swithc to Irish Spring a number of years ago and I’ll never go back. My ex thought I was so weird.

I don’t have to like you, but goddamnit do I respect you.