This is honestly the part that has me shook. Like, on the one had, based on his AC and microwave takes, dishwashers seem out of bounds. But also cooking in a dishwasher seems very out there, and his takes are all out there. I am at a loss.
This is honestly the part that has me shook. Like, on the one had, based on his AC and microwave takes, dishwashers seem out of bounds. But also cooking in a dishwasher seems very out there, and his takes are all out there. I am at a loss.
I had no idea what to expect when I clicked on the photo, but it more than delivered. Thank you.
While I haven’t used it on a burger, I think you’ll get similar results worcestershire sauce and you won’t need to buy a bottle of A-1.
The Obvious worst sauce is A-1. There is no use for the sauce outside making a poorly cooked steak.
Monica intimidates Gilfoyle into silence (a trick Dinesh would dearly love to learn) and gives Richard a profane dressing-down for even bringing up the idea.
To say nothing of the fact the math Is mental math and done without a calculator or whatever.
Mother of God, what have you unleashed on us?
I definitely thought season one was a bit up its own ass at times, and I can say I fell asleep through more than few season one episodes. I was about to throw in the towel after last season, but man, I thoroughly enjoyed S2E2. I’m in baby!
I made an audible gasp and was so excited to see Esposito show up, even if it was a one time role. He is terrific as a charismatic villain.
Holy crap, thats a huge donger. Also, as @PJS said, there is the batting cage in fucking dead center in play. Amazing.
a stadium would never be built like that
No it’s not the hangover, I just get silly drunk.
even though gin and tonics are gross
All three exceeded two hours (2h5m, 2h6m, 2h16m)
And the chain’s biggest promotion, the $5 footlong? Franchisees hate it. Last year, they banded together in revolt against the corporate-mandated deal, which they say decimates their profits. In the leaked memo that revealed such internal dissent, Subway said customer traffic had fallen 25 percent in the past five…
Yeah, my rather sloppy prose didn’t quite get across the point that I was trying to make is that before and after and during 2016 people of color have been and will continue to be under siege.
In 2016, a turbulent period when law enforcement officials were under siege across the U.S.