
Yeah, how does this make any sense, it’s exactly what the government is doing.  It seems weird that anyone there would even be the slightest bit concerned about their personal data being out there.

You say that not all currencies are prone to large swings, but that is not accurate, they all are prone to these swings. They are all capable of having their value destroyed. Although it may seem impossible to some that successful countries could have their currencies collapse, the capabilty is always there, and

The Michael Cera scene was the best part so far.

Why do republicans think the government and peoples of a government taking care of its citizens to be so abhorrent? That old lady who needs help crossing the street should have just bought cybernetic legs instead of eating food on the weekdays or born as someone else.

These are the same people that are against free school lunches and breakfasts. They believe if you want or need food stamps or free health care you are intentionally lazy and a terrible person. Many of these politicians have mental disabilities which prevent them from understanding emotions properly, they probably

Well, also conservative radio stations. But most are pretty similar, if not worse.

Yeah I doubt anything will happen either.

If we could create sentient life or enhance or owns so we that could experience life greater, more peacefully, with less suffering, and a far greater chance at longer survival as a species, but perhaps also humans have a chance of not making it through the transition or failing we should still take it. A chance like

So a few years or probably never?

They all must be shot down. And then sold as slim jims.

Damn you are dumb. Clearly a level 3 offenditron at best. Good luck, cheers.

I thought this was already common knowledge?

Why is there no all?

Risky, yes. Mistake? That depends on your view.

It’s kind of crazy he also both ran as a sort of wild card party candidate but was also able to steal the republican label which he had to pull off to win. I don’t understand.

Whats that a size 6? Niice!

People usually skip over all the gifs if you throw more than 1 on a post :D

Please. No one, not even a God if it were to exist, deserves such respect.

Christianity, while tame for a while, can easily be tapped into the same way. The leaders can start teaching the full bible and stop cherry picking. The bible is just as hateful and horrific, we are just lucky enough to live in a time when christian leaders have decided to just ignore vast portions of the violent and

Yes and Yes, but I was actually replying to your first post about the internet, that information can be faked. It can be used to frame innocent Americans, or citizens abroad, depending on how far they go with it. Or the opposite.