
I would build mine with a shell made of those thin bricks. The ones that always destroy your fingers when you try to pull them apart. It would be invincible!

Fi is the Clippy of Hyrule.

I must disagree with your statement about Wind Waker's overworld. I rarely get the sense of exploration and discovery in modern Zelda games, but this one really nailed it for me. Every square on the map had something worth checking out. Of course I do realize the vastness of the sea made it feel like a chore when you

You should give the handheld titles a shot if you get the chance, especially the earlier three. I still love to replay Link's Awakening. The oracle games were also tons of fun, although I wouldn't recommend them if can't invest the time towards playing them back-to-back.

I normally use rechargable batteries for things like the Wii remote, so when the ones included with the motion + remote got low, I set them aside. I use batteries that are mostly drained on things like clocks and TV remotes since they don't require a lot of power to operate.

Agreed 100%. There are so many times when I want to watch TV and play a game at once, so I'll whip out a portable. Also, portables come in handy when I'm on the toilet.

Could it have been 3D Dot Game Heroes? I know it had a scene like that in a desert town.

You aren't looking at it from the right perspective. A Katamari game isn't a waste for being on a given platform. A platform is a waste when it doesn't have a Katamari game in its library.

I don't know. Every time I heard the agonizing screams of the people and animals rolled up, I can't help but think they're being crushed to death.

Love that the songs work rhyme in both languages, even if they tweak the lyrics a little for it to work.

Extremely mediocre? That's like saying I wear Extra-Medium shirts.

Yeah, except for the gun. That gun was every bit as great as Ralphie expected it to be.

Is there one of these lists for the person that says he doesn't want anything?

When you find a "Magic Bag of Tricks" in the game, be sure to let him know.

Now see, my first thought was that it was the name of a porn star.

You mean you have to use your hands?

The "true fact" is that Vitor HAS heard this rumor.

The only x-wing I remember from that movie is Luke's, which only had room for himself and R2D2. I recall the two-seater ships that flew around in Hoth, but those weren't x-wings and I don't remember them carrying astromechs.

Is it okay that I'm imagining chocolate flowing from Lucas' gaping mouth?

I know I shouldn't question extra minifigs in a LEGO set, but why does it come with two pilots and two astromechs?