
As far as confusing people, wouldn't it be easy to just make one coin have ridges on the edges and one smooth? I know I have zero confusion figuring out if there's a nickel or penny in my pocket when i notice a smooth edge.

One cost saving measure the government could implement is to use counter-relief on the coins instead of bas-relief. I can't imagine it would save that much per coin, but every little bit helps. They could even take it a step further and put holes into the coins. Along with coin size, different shaped holes could be

The trick is to not hold the R2/RT button when you dive. Just press it for a second or two and let go. You may need to tap the button once or twice before you swoop out of the dive just to get the right angle at the end. But that AR mission in front of the museum still sucks.

That's Scarecrow's hat that Catwoman is twirling.

I think it's just easier to say that First Class is a different continuity. I noticed more continuity issues trying to fit that into the X-Men movie timeline than I did fitting Wolverine into it.

Hey, at least you don't smell like stripper.

I feel like if you have to buy a Rick Grimes costume, you aren't doing it right.

The worst part to me was when they phoned it in and put "zombie [famous person]".


So... Point Break: The Series?

Having a couple minutes to spare on 12 days throughout the year is depressing and a sign of needing more social contact? I don't see it. Manually changing the system clock just to get a fake award, that's what's pathetic.

I read that restarting the console sometimes works. And if that doesn't work, copying the game data onto a USB, deleting the file from the PS3, and then copying it back onto the console from the USB should work.

These potato chips don't have enough texture. They need to be Ruffalized.

That's what I did this year. It's so liberating.

Whoever wins the Gray's Sports Almanac will be disappointed to find a copy of "Oh La La" under the dust jacket.

But think of how awesome Tom Thumb would be if he was this tall, jacked dude? And then they make it into a more modern, edgy movie. I think the torture porn genre would fit really well. He could fight all these giant animals and people that looked like they came out of Human Centipede. Tom could have this steampunk

...inside a football stadium.

Upside-down star him?

CN has this thing about making commercials that are catered towards people that already watch the show. I get this practice when there's a new season or something, but when all they do is mash random 2 second clips together, it isn't going to bring in new viewers.

Same here. Cartoon Network will get the monies of at least two people if they release the entire Megas XLR series. The least they could do is air it on Boomerang.