mightyHee! wants her two dollars!

His name is Justin Theroux and he is awesome. You may not like his girlfriend, but that doesn't diminish the guy's awesomeness in any way. You should watch Mulholland Drive, I think you will see why he deserves more than whathisface after that.

Boring maybe, but sexless? Not at all. I am quite attracted to her, as a bisexual woman.

Yes, these are definitely questions that need to be answered before anything moves forwards legally.

We don't know how old the guy in this case is, though. If he is also fourteen, did they rape each other in the eyes of the law? I have heard of some states actually charging a 14 year old girl and a 14 year old boy both with statutory rape in hopes that it would deter other children of similar age to have sex, but

I'm ready to fight tooth and nail for that house!! Bring it!

Ha! I see that happening, too. It won't be pretty. I also bet that Handler will all of a sudden find some nice words for Jolie when that happens. She is the worst.

I wish she would get a new friend. Seriously, Handler seems to want to keep this ridiculous non-feud in the media as much as the media does.

That is one of the first celebrity real estate purchases that I have been 100% jealous of. THAT is my perfect house. Everything about it.

Me neither!!! Funny, isn't it? I smell a Mittspiracy!

The picture that accompanies this article is GOLD! I love it! Also, as a married lady, I have to say BOO to the lead that Romney has with the married people. BOO!

Which is why I said that K8Simone would probably identify more with Generation Y.

Technically, you are Generation X [en.wikipedia.org] . But you probably identify more with Generation Y. I was born in '76 and I feel a little in between.

No, they can't. Did you read the comments in the linked articles? I'm still shaking my head.

OMG! Do you think that she will end up sat next to Hugh Laurie for the plane ride and go on and on and on about how Brad cheated on her??? That would be mind blowing.

I guarantee even that, which is genius btw, wouldn't even stop the pitiful madness. Did you read the comments in those linked articles? This is a forever thing. Anything that happens with any of these four will be linked together for haters on both sides forever more. :(

I don't think so. Did you read the comments in the linked articles? There are always going to be Aniston haters and Jolie haters no matter what the frickin' tabloids say. They could show a montage of pictures of Jolie and Aniston doing best friend things together, having fun and both sides will have something nasty to

Maybe he did it to be retro? Or maybe she did it as a joke? There are a number of explanations for it.

Yes, exactly! That was my first thought, too.