It was a bad movie and she brought nothing to it.
It was a bad movie and she brought nothing to it.
What can I say, white people don’t like being told what not to do
You’re the first person I’ve heard claim it was a good movie.
Yeah, yeah, you can’t comprehend the fact that people other than pasty white are a default. Piss off
Her name is MOTOKO KUSANAGI. That’s Japanese. Her prosthetic body is Japanese-made. She works in Japan. She’s fucking Japanese. Enough.
“First of all, I rap about my pussy because she’s my best friend,” the megastar rapper and former stripped quipped.
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
Oh, I am my ancestor’s dream, absolutely! When Miss Anne spoke derisively at her, condescendingly whispering orders, I’m sure my ancestor longed for the day when she walked in a room and all the white women marveled at her skin wondering how old she was, then proceeded to price everything she was wearing and wonder…
Her big problem was coming for Denzel - people talk shit about Will all the time; but you’re not going to get away with coming for Denzel when he didn’t call for you. And to compound the problem, she came without receipts when everyone else pulled their’s out.
This would be like me saying ‘I have no kids, therefore I should not pay any taxes that go towards schools, child welfare programs or anything that has to do with children.’ How did these words make it to Mitch McC’s turtle beak??
I knew I was Too Old For This Shit when I saw a preview for this show before GoT, where one of the characters says “This is the feeling I’ve been looking for all my life”. Me: “What are you, 16? Calm down.”
Hennessy is nasty. I feel like Tupac fucked up my whole generation by making everyone think they had to be drinking it.
Cops get psych evals. They still murder black people with impunity. Not sure what it would help.
if she was right they wouldn’t have gotten a 41 million law suit bitch ! Let’s be real these men spent their whole child hood in jail because they forced minor to say some shit they didn’t do because they didn’t know any better that’s sick and honestly I hope that bitch burn in hell for believing she wasn’t wrong…
Her resignation is nothing compared to the time them young men lost, the pain it brought them. She should be prosecuted also!
If she doesn’t like how the movie depicted her, she’s gonna hate history books.
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
“Those roaches ain’t settin' up a franchise in MY house!”
A.A. I’m so glad you said what you did about Jackie Brown. It’s my favorite film of his. In fact, it’s the only film of his I revisit. Even Pulp Fiction, all respect to it, doesn’t really grab me. But Jackie Brown does. It’s his most earnest, most emotional film. The plotting is perfect, the script brilliant, and it’s…
Fucking Christians.