
“Them” documentary idea:

POC: Entertainment media needs to be more diverse.

Do you realize that you just solved the world’s energy problems? There is never a shortage of white tears. Unlimited, clean, renewable energy.

“Slender Man, Pennywise, The Alien, Reverse Racism.”

Speaking as a white guy: Fuckin’ A, Mr. Peele. White guy stories have been told, they are mostly boring now, and the perspective and nuance that minority and female filmmakers are bringing to the screen is welcome and long, long overdue.

I know my story. Why do we watch movies if not to learn about somebody else’s?

Don’t they always cast people who look just like them? Why can’t Jordan Peele do it too? They big mad and I’m here for it. I’ve already seen Us twice and I’m planning for a third. Jordan Peele can have my coins. 

Not to mention that the Middle Eastern kid could easily be on the receiving end of the next bout of fuckery. 

The impression I always got of Shaq was that his silliness, his self depricating humor, his buffoonery was all to put people at ease since (white) people found a 7 ft tall black man of heft threatening. I’m sure he learned to employ those techniques in his teens.

New Jersey resident here (unfortunately). This is a huge win for the state! When you look at the demographics of the state and see the percentage of minorities versus non minorities who have been incarcerated for minor cannabis charges, it is even more disproportionate compared to the national average. The added

This is how you win elections. More to the point this is what happens when you elect true progressive politicians that aren’t afraid of the bullshit religious right and their cult. For real run this on The Presidential ticket and watch Trump get steamrolled. Yes I am aware of how the conservative movement will spin

Her neighbor, an African-American, says she is nice (or words to that effect) abd his grandkids play with her children.

I don’t consider myself to be a racist and I rarely talk about race.

Excellent piece. I’m not a professional editor (although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once), but please allow me one piece of editorial advice:

I am a proud black mother of a black son who recently graduated from Harvard University School of Business. The “key” to his success is a brilliant mind and an extremely strong work ethic.

There is no way this racist meathead voluntarily gave up a cop uniform/gun/badge. 

He should sue his own Twitter account instead.

Yeessss! The mother’s vehement response to the recent onslaught was curious...NOW, the picture becomes clear: she screwed him in return for career help for her daughter and came to find out he went after her daughter, got her pregnant and married her?! Yeah, that’s enough to make any mother’s head explode -even

Honestly? I could see it. Hear me out.

Losing your job and having your life ruined is the kind of thing that can happen in the social media era if you choose to be a racist asshole out in the real world where everyone can see and take video. Given the tone of your post, seems you’ve already figured out you should keep all the nasty things you believe to

The thing I loved about this story, is Keisel couldn’t help but tell on himself. People (dipshits in particular) seem to forget that professional athletes play at an incredibly elite level, with the most insane shit talkers on earth. These shit talkers are all programmed to spend every minute of the game trying to get