MAKE2 Mifune

What you are referring to is the use of Depleted Uranium rounds against armored targets. While it has had adverse effects and I am not necessarily defending the use of such rounds, they are not classified as chemical weapons and DU rounds are not actually covered by any treaty because their primary intent is to

Wouldn't matter either way since it's ATI.

thank God she got tired, I hated in every "article" she wrote because she never had something constructive to say, it was always polemic topics for the sake of being polemic, that's bad journalism and I'm glad she stopped

Since we're presupposing things about people, I must urge you to stop kicking puppies.

My wife is afraid to try stuff like this. She doesn't trust what they'd do to the food if you're asking for stuff like this.

Eh, on a Li-Ion battery, you can charge from about 20% (what your phone shows you as 0%) all the way up to about 80% of a full charge at a very high rate with no longterm or short term effects... but then the charger has to ramp the amps back to slowly fill it the rest of the way. Your phone already does this with

Yeah, it's pretty safe to say you completely missed the point here. And didn't read what I said about that very fact in the article. It's okay, it's an understandable knee-jerk reaction.

Just because you buy it all at once doesn't mean you have to eat it all at once.

Plus they last for freaking ever compared to plastic ones. And they don't turn orange if you store spaghetti in them.

Vin Diesel is the real deal. He's been pretty open about playing D&D too. I think he wrote a forward for a recent D&D book.

Now playing

I'll buy one... but only if it comes with tibetan horns that goes

Hi Mifune,

I'm not Jaime, but if I can put in my 2 cents, if you are looking for a somewhat affordable and nearby option I really recommend Mexico City. It has a tremendous amount of history (spanning centuries of pre-Columbian culture and then 500 years of European influence). The city is modern, hip, and fun. It has world

Always remember that RAID 1, while great for redundancy, is not a substitute for a second copy of the data on a second device (aka backup).

No, too late.

A trick I learned from my first rental, as suggested by a lawyer:

77 years and counting.

You Should Pretend That You're Buying a Home

Not true! The modern Hyundai was put here in it's current form by it's creator only 6000 years ago!