MAKE2 Mifune

I respectfully gave you information about the availability of discount grocers in metros and you insist on trying to tear me down as ignorant, patronizing, and full of shit, while ignoring my question about where you live? I’d like to know if there really aren’t any discount grocers in your city; I believe there are

Also, it’s about 16 million+ people that have access to this ethnic discount supermarket; they can be found throughout LA County.

Discount and salvage grocers are available in most metropolises, where the vast majority of people with low incomes (not to mention 80% of the overall population) live. Demand and the economic situation has necessitated the need for these kinds of stores in many metropolises. My family started off poor and we had to

If there aren’t any discount grocers (Save-A-Lot, Food 4 Less, ethnic grocers, etc) in your area or within reasonable driving distance, another option is to shop at farmers markets at the end of the day and negotiate lower prices, since they don’t want to bring anything back, especially castoffs. Another option is to

people on low incomes have trouble affording healthy, sustainably grown produce

Anyone! Then you get three hots and a cot, albeit, someone might try sharing the cot with you.

Very interesting, it makes me think about “what came first, the chicken or the egg” type questions, where systemic stereotyping created trends for cyclical self fulfilling prophecy for violence/poverty/etc. I think studying and analyzing the histories is a great approach, as social issues take generations to establish

I’m a really big fan of the Camelizer. The pricing history lets me strategically shop, letting me see the trend in depreciation and weigh my options if any price drop warrants an immediate purchase, or if I should wait a little longer.

I do that too. Using just water, I can harvest green onions 2 times, but with proper soil, you get more flavorful green onions and you’ll be able to harvest them more.

Growing italian parsley, rosemary, oregano, and green onions on my kitchen window sill. They’ve been alive for 5 months now. Green onions are ridiculously easy and I only need to keep an eye on the parsley to stop it from flowering/bolting.

There are hundreds of thousands of CL transactions a day, but we only hear about a handful of transactions that go wrong.

Yep. And if they say they don’t have a bank account, it wouldn’t be out of bounds to assume that they’re shady.

What is it now, $50,000 a year per head to keep incarcerated?

I don’t think he said only. But he was likely being passive aggressive with racism and alluding to racial issues, like black on white crime, where the stats are disproportionate to the size of that demographic.

Difference between Volvo C30 and Ford Focus RS— Amount of boost/ecu tune, exhaust mani+turbo, quaife LSD, suspension?


It’s just that the car and its strange history is probably one of the most interesting and novelty things to happen across the guy’s (probable) relatively mundane life. Those unique bits of information make his life seem more interesting. I’ve come across a lot of people who become very absorbed into niche hobbies and

I use this technique all the time with door to door charity hustlers/scammers who lead off with something along the lines of “I’m in a contest to sell the most subscriptions to pay for my education”.

Great movie and a great example of a misdirection question.

I don’t think that’s the case for the Genesis Sedan, so much as it is the case for the Equus.