Diseased flesh candle. It’s triggering my trypophobia.
Diseased flesh candle. It’s triggering my trypophobia.
Yeah definitely both on those, especially on what's available/needs to be used. You can make a lot of different varieties of miso soup, but the main thing is you gotta do something with that dashi you just made and turn it into stuff, since it's something that's prepared quickly, for immediate consumption and…
It's semi special, mostly in that it incorporates the shrimp head in addition to the miso, which are both added to the dashi stock.
A big thanks to the echo chamber of unscientific amateur bloggers that parrot whatever they heard on Dr. Oz.
For language translations, particularly latin based languages into east asian languages, it’s best to use very short, simplified grammar that isn’t necessarily grammatically correct by our standards, but has the minimum amount of necessary information conveyed.
I've gotten it served as part of omakase, usually after getting served amaebi around mid course, where the rest of the shrimp is used for the miso. The place I go is very proper.
Thank you! @$900 yikes.
Anyone know what lighting fixture is in the pic? Looks great.
I have a really hard time dining out alone. For me, going out to eat is deeply ingrained as a communal activity, to share and experience with someone, not unlike cooking. I find myself anxiously fidgeting and trying to fill the time to seem busy when I do. There needs to be a Tinder for platonic dining partners.
I usually go for pho with tripe, gelatinized cartilage, and other good stuff. Grilled chicken hearts, liver (yakitori). Korean soondae blood noodle sausage. Escamoles aka ant larvae.
Diniguan and balut are a big nope. Pigs feet are just lechon-on-a-cob.
Thanks for looking that up. They're not going to know the contents of an encrypted archival file, but damn ...$5 a month is a steal. Worth using for personal storage.
Library collections? Brutal! lol It's ok, I bounced a check for pizza more times than I care to admit when I was 18-19. (Yes, paying for pizza by check...not sketchy at all)
Neat. I wonder if upload/download speeds are capped? That can be a really nice budget solution for small businesses that are uploading encrypted archival backups.
I deal with finding assets of people who are intentionally hiding from fraud they committed or huge debts they incurred, particularly when they have the ability to repay them but simply don't want to ...I find and sue them to recover/seize it back. The general public perception is that I'm the bad guy, since I'm doing…
LOL @ #6. I totally get that. People who have a lot of resent when it comes to haves/have nots are a huge red flag.
After being in a relationship for 10 years, which included being married for several of them, I re-entered dating at 35. I had never felt a need nor use for social networking while I was in a relationship and the dynamics of dating and interacting had changed very much during that time. It was a bit intimidating and…
Definitely possible, but I'd account for about large influxes of expats driving prices up as well as the affect of the overall economic growth of the country. A lot of affordable places to expatriate rely on those areas to not see highly prosperous growth. The Philippines is once again seeing consistent strong…
Flash animated games, with animations consisting of parts rotating around an axis, just rubs me the wrong way. It always looks too stiff and lifeless, despite having a full range of motion. It looks cheap to me, like a weird in-between of sprites and a realized 3d model on a 2d plane.