Anime, a gateway drug that leads to exclamations like "Hinata-chan is mai waifu! So kawaii ~uguuuuu ^_^; "
Anime, a gateway drug that leads to exclamations like "Hinata-chan is mai waifu! So kawaii ~uguuuuu ^_^; "
While LAX can be maddening, the renovation of the Tom Bradley International terminal has VASTLY improved things. Before the renovation, that terminal was an absolute cluster.
There's a Curren conversion that's been for sale for a few weeks in Southern California, for $4800
Need to visit SF again soon too, restore my inner Huell Howser
Yeah, Descanso Gardens here in LA has one every year...yet it never occurred to me that I should go...! *facepalm*
Very nice. Making it in the nick of time while traveling always makes for a memorable experience :)
Where was the photo taken?
But hey, that's the brand of masculinity our society seems to embrace.
Don't be so dismissive of North Korea. Their absolute command economy allows them to have huge disparities on what they spend on— North Korea has invested a massive amount of its economy in maintaining a huge aging military presence, the attempt to establish nuclear infrastructure, and creating a class system where…
Alan Henry is my spirit animal. Seriously though. I used to name the computers on my network after Jupiter's moons, now I name them after stars— Sirius, Sol, Betelgeuse, etc.
It all starts when we are young hoonigans, memorizing the headlights of police cars at night.
Nope. Going to cook a meal at home. On the other hand, since it is a long weekend with President's day, did book a stay at a bed and breakfast in wine country for Sunday night. I'd always prefer to defer bigger outings to times when there aren't a mad rush of people who want to do something on the "special" day. …
I was thinking about going the OpenELEC route with an Intel NUC, but I went with a refurbished Fire TV ($80) instead. It's the least expensive, most comprehensive XBMC option, in my opinion, where you get stunningly fast hardware, 802.11AC, wireless remote, Netflix, Prime Video, and broad Android app compatibility. …
The real reason North Korea hacked Sony was to attempt to find out more information about The Last Guardian. Even then, we're still woefully in the dark.
'I never walk into a place I don't know how to walk out of.'
Definitely and it would allow for a bit of beneficial pre-planning for the future. If one partner's credit is not so strong, steps can be made to strengthen it and help establish parity in financial habits ahead of marriage or any large financial commitments, like buying a house.
Great checklist! Having money talks (not just one) long before even getting married would be recommended. There shouldn't be any surprises in the money department, as it's one of the larger factors that can contribute to a divorce. I think both parties should be on the same page as far as their spending, saving,…
Shin ramyun is the best instant noodle.
Chia seeds have a mucilaginous property when water is added, which creates some nice proteins that bind well with other ingredients, very much like an egg white.
I think it's not wanting to take a chance at rocking the boat, since they're aware it's taboo outside of South Korea and some westerners are extremely vocal about it. It's also considered a peasant food, so you have to go out of your way to find it.