
Is there any job title that adding “space” doesn’t make cooler? Space janitor. Nope. Space accountant. Nope. Space plumber. Nope.

I spent a couple weeks up there a few years ago. It’s really quite beautiful country. Fascinating fact: The Acadian people split up back in the day to two locations, some communities on Cape Breton and New Orleans. The ladies at the Mi-careme center in Grand Etang were very very nice and kindly stayed open a bit late

There must be a hidden lucrative market for tourists who run around the world seeing any mark or sign that any famous person leaves behind. “Rihanna peed here! We never flushed.” “Bieber’s ass prints in the sand of this beach. Buy a commemorative plaster cast today!”

I agree. I’ve always wondered why humans evolved. From a biological niche perspective it doesn’t make much sense. We are a plague that destroys its own environment. As far as I know we’re pretty much the only species that does that. Everything else has a purpose in its ecological web and lives with its environment and