
Is there any job title that adding “space” doesn’t make cooler? Space janitor. Nope. Space accountant. Nope. Space plumber. Nope.

I spent a couple weeks up there a few years ago. It’s really quite beautiful country. Fascinating fact: The Acadian people split up back in the day to two locations, some communities on Cape Breton and New Orleans. The ladies at the Mi-careme center in Grand Etang were very very nice and kindly stayed open a bit late

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What this thread needs is a renegade heat duct repairman...

There must be a hidden lucrative market for tourists who run around the world seeing any mark or sign that any famous person leaves behind. “Rihanna peed here! We never flushed.” “Bieber’s ass prints in the sand of this beach. Buy a commemorative plaster cast today!”

I agree. I’ve always wondered why humans evolved. From a biological niche perspective it doesn’t make much sense. We are a plague that destroys its own environment. As far as I know we’re pretty much the only species that does that. Everything else has a purpose in its ecological web and lives with its environment and

I kept waiting for him to show up in Ash v. Evil Dead but he never did *sniffles* Season two?

Well that makes perfect sense. They’ve brought the original Van Helsing back as Vanessa because they want to be edgy and get on board the gender equality train and have interesting character dynamics with a trans-gendered vampire slayer with a dark gritty tone. Throw in the Helsing Van above, the holographic AI from

Really silly question please:

Make like a tree and get outta here.

Although it’s rarely helpful to put stock in movie toy lines when it comes to discerning information about an upcoming movie, the idea of Ghostbusters telling the story of how they got their own logo (or, given the fact that we’ve seen them using the famous logo already, it coming to life á la Stay Puft Marshmallow

The hallucination scene was amusing but there was just way too much wrong with this episode (and the event series). There’s really no main storyline for one. They seem to have just spun a wheel with a bunch of ideas on it they never got around to doing or wanted to do and picked a few.

I don’t mind if someone’s schtick is doing new things. That’s not bad :) District 9 was interesting. Sadly, Elysium was a ridiculous trainwreck. Alastair Reynolds did that sort of thing *much* better with the Glitterband and Chasm City thing. Haves vs Have Nots and a rich history etc... Sadly, some folks just get

Respecting the source material will almost always result in a decent box office or at the very least a rave from fans that helps get other people interested in going to see what people are ranting about. Why Shannara is ... utter drek ... is beyond me when it has some very knowledgeable industry people at the helm. Ah

I still want (in no particular order):

The whole “director’s cut” thing really drives me batty. There are some cases editing just needs to happen because things seem out of place and wrong. There are plenty of “deleted scenes” that come out that prove that.

Doesn’t “Weird” fiction as a genre tend to simply mean things that have a general lack of genre and incorporate elements of horror, fantasy, and science fiction within them? Lovecraft is the poster child of the Weird. The New Weird would probably include many of my faves like Mieville.

He once stated somewhere or other that his goal was to write one book in each genre. A mystery (The City and the City), sci-fi (Embassytown), Un Lun Dun (children’s book), etc... Embassytown is by far his most inscrutable work. It really takes some effort and will to get through the start of it because it takes some