Well doesn't he sound like a Goddamn peach!
Well doesn't he sound like a Goddamn peach!
It is amazing how many men are deaf to the reality of women's lives especially in regards to rape. He wonders why they did not report the incidents when they happened as if they would not have been exposed to ridicule and the results probably would not have given them justice. Fuck the court system, justice is being…
Hey is it possible for me to get out of the grays? I have commented here for years, I write insightful messages, I don't cause problems and I often promote articles from this site on my Facebook.
So The Expendables 3 didn't make bank, but somehow Jennifer Lawrence's stolen nudes are the blame for their stock price woes.
Chris Hemsworth is very sexy and worthy of the title...and that's all I have to say.
The grossest thing in this video are the dirty fingernails!
What I liked best about that show was Lisa Bonet and her fabulous clothes!
As far as the traction of this story, we are dealing with a different time. Social media has proved very important for women to talk about their experiences, compare, and bond. It's conversations like this that change the world.
I saw him live once (judge if you must, but the tickets were free and his show was followed by galloping horses). My friend and I were laughing hysterically over how funny he WASN'T. All of his jokes were riffs off spanking children.
Hi there, waving, I believed her! If I remember the timeline correctly the allegations came out either after Cosby's sitcom was over or was on its last legs - maybe late 80s early 90s. I also recall a 'People' magazine cover article and that there were several women making the accusations not just one. I also…
I am so happy! Allow me to recommend 1997's 'Lives of the Monster Dogs' by Kirsten Bakis. It is sort of odd and memorable like 'Geek Love'.
Death by adorable!
Has Grumpy Cat jumped the cat in a shark suit riding a roomba?
this season by far is my favorite. I don't want things to go too fast because when they do the storylines get muddy and everything crashes and burns before the finale. This season works on a deeper level - the concept of "other" as defined by physical disability. Overall I want a clear concise ending without the…
Wait...hold on for a moment...the British have proms? I thought proms were just an American thing. Have I been ignorant of prom history all my life?
On the other side of the fence, I despise it when parents tell their children to hug me. NOT ONLY DO I NOT WANT TO HUG YOUR CHILD, but often they do not want to hug me and there is that awkward moment where a parent can either look embarrassed or smug. Listen if a kind spontaneously hugs me, great, but I don't think…
LOTme, 'Geek Love' by Katherine Dunn was published in 1989 which was when I read it for the first time. It is one of the most memorable and disturbing (both and good ways and bad) novels I have ever read. It is about a family of freaks and the story takes place both in the past and present. The plot touches upon…
I ADORE THIS SEASON! Thus far it is my favorite. I am a huge 'Geek Love' fan, but they could not copy the plot for several reasons but the main one; 'GEEK LOVE' DESERVES ITS OWN MOVIE/TELEVISION EVENT!
Is it necessary to use the word "fucking" in this headline? Its usage here seems juvenile as if attempting to appeal to the twelve to fifteen reading demographic. Although I am not clutching my pearls, I feel less inclined to share otherwise informative articles to friends and friendemies on Facebook. Just last…
I write this with a world weary respect; having expectations of Taylor Swift writing the definitive NYC anthem for 2014 is ludicrous. I can buy everything you wrote about privilege, and critiquing her song is not out of bounds. but expecting said song to address police abuse and other injustices is not only…