
ah! Missed you! Money sucks don't worry about it too much. I think money is kinda like kids "it takes a village" type thing. Plus youtr going to be underpaid and shaping young minds so you basically deserve loans from all of the tax paying world. I got a new kitty! He likes to bite chins. His name is Ocho bc he's our

I'm in a bad situation. 4 months pregnant and struggling. It was an accident, but a happy one for me and also for my boyfriend (after the initial shock). I'm late 20s, he's early 30s, we've been together a year and a half and both saw a family together in our future, just not so soon. We are/were very much in love.

Ok, so I strongly suspect that this is some MRA bullshit.

Hi all! I have missed you the last couple weeks, but since guyrootof was visiting me in CA last week instead of this one, I have spent my Valentine's Day doing my non academic job and it has been as boring as Mormon sex and the perfect distraction from the fact that guyrootof is not here to give me the Valentine's Day

I only read TS posts for A-Saur. Can't say I'm a TSwift fan but I sure as hell am an adultosaur fan!!


"Yes Mash, YES. That Wedding Cake came straight to me; I verified the seal; put it on the kosher cart and brought it directly here- to you. Like always."

A nice sociopath. *wears badge proudly*

Holy shit, I feel the exact same way. Here's to hoping we both start to feel better and figure out shit out soon <3

Oh, man. This won't be funny, I apologize.

I made my husband think our baby was going to be a girl, when I knew I was having a boy.

Where's Captain Gene when you need him?

That I was orgasming.

People have to work to get a degree?

I don't know which is more frightening: the gun happy, racist coppers, or the HORRIBLE FUCKING AIM.

"Around 10 of the officers' 59 shots hit their target."

59 times are fucking kidding me, as a Brit i will never understand it. British citizens are around 100 times less likely to be shot by a police officer than Americans (in 2013 British police officers fired their weapons all of three times. No one died), i know cops in America will never be gun free but they need to

We should all just get a house together. We could just hang out most days and make snarky comments. I'll cook and take care of the cat boxes.

I love the fact that we're anticipating Adultosaur's reactions

At this point they should put her on payroll with all the traffic she brings to TayTay posts.