Screw the cops—you need Anonymous! They'd shut him/her down asap
Screw the cops—you need Anonymous! They'd shut him/her down asap
I've seen earthworms on my driveway, baking in the sun, who had a better grasp of religion and international politics than Sarah Palin does.
Justin Beiber Concert.
Average modern Fourth Grader:
The first scene from the next season of Orange is the New Black has come in like a wrecking ball. And how do things…
Guess he's not #teamwaffle!
If I feign indignation, clutch my pearls, and declare loudly enough for everyone to hear that your parents must be horrified, will that satisfy your sense of sticking it to the squares enough for you to get the eggs out of your snatch?
Deployment of Liz Lemon gif perfectly suited for the situation? [insert all applause gifs here.]
You know it's Europe when 98% of the people aren't even looking at the naked lady on a platform giving birth to paint eggs.
Yes, they are cousins of the Sneetches.
Around the bend and through the creek, we wore through several boots on our pairs of feet, when suddenly I turned upon hearing a hoot, "At last, at last, the majestic sloot!"
Sorority life teaches young ladies many important lessons throughout their college tenures: sisterhood, service,…