
People like crappy movies. I refuse to see this movie. Nothing I've read about Kyle is flattering in my opinion. The movie seems like a major puff piece about a person who did not deserve to be glorified.

People had to see the fake baby for themselves!

  1. Mix one part awesomely suspenseful trailer and 9 parts bald eagle fucking patriot porn and sprinkle in some casual racism.

Separate from all the politicking - I thought it was a good movie and Cooper had a great performance.

um hello other hot dudes

Hot dudes and guns! SO Murica!

"I once worked at the ad agency that created the "Wanta Fanta" jingle for Fanta soda"


Sorry for introducing you to fine art.

A creepy thing Ashley did on my phone last week was to steal it at a bar while I was sending an email, and text my easily confused boyfriend the following picture (in response to a text about his 9 year-old nephew):

Too late, Ashley. You ruined it. (runs out of room crying)

Proud of u

Not the first time I've gotten that.

Internet GOLD, Ashley.

Well there goes the only compliment I've gotten in months :(

I bet SpongeBob has better sexual chemistry with Dakota Johnson.


Bruno Mars last year was a bizzillion times better.

I would just like to discuss how gawdawful that halftime show was, Missy aside.