
She should setup in DC. She's practically there anyway: this will just make it a shorter walk to the White House when she is done.

You wrote off your rear visibility as soon as you accepted this assignment, solider.

Even more so: there are videos on Youtube showing Subaru WRX's pulling semis along a road.

I think we are. Holy hell what is their deal? YOU ARE JUST FUR AND FEET AND CUTENESS, YOU DON'T JUDGE ME!

This is North Dakota, not Washington Heights. You can shoot rabbits here. Step 1: buy .22 rifle. Step 2: give it to someone who isn't a complete jack ass. Step 3: shoot rabbits. Step 4: have rabbit stew.

I'm torn. On one hand I like this styling. On the other, I wish this piece was also blue.

This has to be one of the best trolls of these guys ever. Hell its not such a bad business plan either. Step one: gain access to jihadi banking accounts. Step 2: steal the money and hide it. Step 3: jihad's can't go to the world police or something and report a cyber crime, so all that's left is to spend that dough.

I look forward to tomorrow's article: "How To Make Enough Money to Stock a Home Bar."

So I can't view anything from Twitter at work (some kind of software blocks it). What was in that tweet?

WE will miss you, Katy Perry's Nazi Sharks.

Her PhD is in "Critical Dance Studies." Her LinkedIn lists her PhD student time as being interested in the "intersection of food culture and performance culture." I've never heard of such a thing being of scholarly import.

Burt Missy did not "steal" the show. You can't steal something you OWN.

I approve of your use of "the tits."

Lol because white women have been so gracious? We didn't just have #solidarityisforwhitewomen?

I don't even know what to do with this. I don't Ellie. Just, I can't even.

How does all this stuff on your skin 12 hours a day not ruin your skin? I've always wondered why a woman's skin doesn't just mutate under it.

Try Mace. Its non lethal but it works damn well. I agreed to be maced in a self defense training class: I almost passed out it hurt so bad.

The problem really is that local cops don't even know what they can do, or how to do it. I've had friends cyberstalked: it was much better to go straight to the FBI. Typically local police and yes even the FBI are pressured to do anything else but pay attention to cyber-crime (unless its involving money or terrorism),

Source? There is a stat quoted that people with guns are "likely to have them taken from them," but I've never actually found the source of that, despite repeated attempts to put it in my bookmarks.

In a sense, its almost laudable. Like, he has unseated Seth MacFarlane at something Seth MacFarlane was good at. He wasn't good a much, but no one else thought they could do it.