
Tobacco CEO's used to fly coach all the time. If they got one more person smoking, they would pay for their flight, round trip.

It isn't a pun. It just isn't.

No Tara, thank you. <3 <3 <3 <3 【ツ】

Agreed. I once tried forming a fanclub based on this very notion.

Another excellent piece by Tara.

The problem with replacing the shortblock, as brandondrums pointed out:

Doesn't Cummins already make a 2.8L Diesel that they placed in an old Frontier as a test product? I thought you drove that even?

Erhm, I don't know about you, but I watch Football because I love(d) to play it and I find it competitive and athletic and fun as hell. I mostly read Deadspin for Drew Magary and the fluff pieces, and I rarely read interviews with players or watch ESPN for shit talk.


While rape in the military is a problem, I would like to exam this:

Southies are weird.

WHAT THE FUCK?!?! NO. NO. I forbid Rebecca from going to Cosmo. Absolutely not.

There should be a way to replace just the bezel, I would think.

He was a manager, but I don't know how much he made.

The more I read this the more I believe Jia didn't. No mention of this:

Did you read Chait's piece? His opening paragraph is about a Muslim student who had his apartment vandalized by SJWs and was fired from his job for writing a satirical piece. "The Vagina Monologues" was banned at Mount Holyoke College because it excluded women without vaginas.

Jia, the thing is, you are wrong about this just being "some people on Twitter." Did you read the opening paragraph of Chait's piece? A guy was fired and had his apartment vandalized for writing a satire of PC (and he was a Muslim). A woman's rights advocate was banned from Brandeis for being anti-Islamic, protestors

Read the opening paragraph of Chait's piece. A Muslim student who wrote a satirical take on PC culture was fired from his job, and had his apartment vandalized by SJWs. This is more than harassing people on Twitter.

Jia, something you seem to be missing: your title says "Dissent isn't suffocation."