
It’s a little surprising you didn’t notice it before, but I’m kinda glad you are bringing attention to it.

So, First, there are a lot of very effective fighting techniques that leverage body weight and putting bits of people between your legs. My knowledge on this predominantly comes from judo and a bit of kung fu,

+1 gentle rapping at my chamber door

Quoth the Raven, nevermore.

I don’t know if Gregg Popovich is a national treasure, but Nic Cage did steal the Declaration of Independence once because there was a coded map to Pop’s house on the back.


Nope! Voted for Hillary in the primary too.

So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:

Hot take time: The White Sox are the true team that embodies Chicago. The Cubs are the team that embodies 20-something transplants who graduated for Big Ten schools.

It’s a shame they had a misprint on the Minnesota jerseys. After Moore’s performance, everybody knows it should be MAYA CLINIC.

Yeah, I kind of agree with this. I voted for Bernie here in CA but the DNC - and Democratic voters - were under no obligation to go out of their way for him since he wasn’t a Democrat until last year. That said, the DNC definitely should’ve remained more neutral but there’s no real evidence they did anything to cause

Altoids on the other hand fully denounced Trump. Considering they are not involved in this, I found their statement to be curiously strong.

As a fan of that other Chicago team, I can not support any of this. This team deserves to win and they probably have the best chance to, but you can not give these fans something to brag about. It can not happen. You think Cardinal fans are bad? Wait until Cubs fans finally taste success, it will consume us all,

Joe Biden is the fucking man.