
Steel columns meant to come down clearly in place. 

There is such an overwhelmingly negative and cynical slant to these previews when one considers how well acclaimed films like The Disaster Artist and The Post have been elsewhere.

This is fucking lazy and I don’t think this dipshit knows anything about half of these teams. It seems like he semi-read someone else’s preview and just reworded it getting most of the details wrong.

Yeah, that’s an annoyance they’ve yet to correct.

Eddie Bauer Microtherm Stormdown Hooded Jacket

Eddie Bauer Microtherm Stormdown Hooded Jacket

Better idea:

We Will Jail You For Speeding Memorial Highway...

Now you tell me!

Jesus, I think at this point we need to reanimate Sherman’s corpse and let him march to the sea again, because clearly they didn’t get the message the first time.

Tebow: [steps into RH batter’s box]

Can we all just stop for a moment and consider how badly the NFL would ruin a concept like this.

Because this is a Shep McAllister posting I’m willing to bet that winner will magically have an affiliate program with Lifehacker. Yes, most Shep postings are shilling one thing or another.

Because this is a Shep McAllister posting I’m willing to bet that winner will magically have an affiliate program

Japan did get 2 nukes awhile ago...

To complete the gimmick, he should have a picket sign that he uses to bash victims over the head with (ala Jarrett/HonkyTonk with guitars)

His finishing move is “The Safe Space” in which he runs his opponent over from inside his Prius.

Pit these guys against the Russian hooligans and let’s take bets. I think I take the Russians, assuming they’re not doping.

Sequels are never as good.

A gold star to any team that does Who, What, I don’t know, Why, Because, Tomorrow, Today, and I Don’t Care.

I’m not saying anything about causation. I’m saying that it’s irresponsible to talk about killing politicians into a microphone that then amplifies those words indiscriminately. It was irresponsible for Ted Nugent to go in front of a crowd of paranoid gun lovers and talk about having the president of the United States

who does dirty stuff constantly but claims he’s not dirty