
I was greatly disappointed with Birds, and I thought Harley and Joker were the best parts of Suicide Squad (not a high bar to reach, but still). Robbie and McGregor seem to be having a great time with their characters, and everyone else in the film just kinda seemed like they didn’t want to be there. The lack of

It really felt like this should have almost been Huntresses story in some ways, but then she’s largely relegated to what I would call a near cameo. Also was not a fan with how they handled Cassie as I really love her in the comics and this felt like a waste of her potential.

  • Everything about Ruth-Doctor was perfect - her attitude, her clothes and her TARDIS. Hers might be my favourite Doctor outfit - that shirt, those glasses. I almost feel cheated out of the full seasons of her as our main Doctor. It’s kind of unfair that she’s basically a forgotten Doctor guest star like War Doctor and

I have been calling her “Dr. Ruth” as well. I hope that takes on.

Between 2 and 3 works, apparently.

Except we see the Hartnell/ First Doctor taking the TARDIS in a Clara flashback. 

Ostrich sized? 

Same, there’s basically zero chance that I sit down and watch this because I don’t want to read an entire movie.

Looks neat but honestly, I wish they’d spend the extra bucks to get an English dub. I love reading, but not when I’m trying to watch a movie; it distracts from the visuals too much. You can’t see expressions, you miss effects. It’s like only getting half the movie.

It’s his name. It is known.

Nate was weirdly likable

72,000 alcohol-related deaths

Daughter or mistress. 

You’re a grownup now. I’m sure you’re capable of separating a series of books which wrapped up over a decade ago from the author’s present day opinions. If not that’s on you, not her.

I love Baby Yoda very much, but otherwise you’re quite right.

We want to be shocked, surprised, thrown off-guard, have things recontextualized, and be challenged as fans when we sit down in the theater, but the problem with both JJ and Rian’s takes on the material is that they’re so dissimilar that they don’t feel like integral parts of a larger connected story. JJ so wholly

The Last Jedi was an objectively bad middle to a trilogy. It abandoned ideas set up in the first movie (Who are Rey and Snoke?) It contradicted previously established canon (the force doesn’t belong to the Jedi, and the Jedi aren’t special) but also itself (only Leia survives the explosion she was in, presumably

He made a turd of a movie and is spending the rest of his career trying to convince people that it is, indeed, not a pile of shit.

I also can't believe they're rebooting Untitled ALREADY. 

Well, in fairness, “Untitled, May 2023" is being based on the graphic novel “To Be Announced” which had potential but, overall, was just kind of a mess.