
Fingers crossed for 20%+ in NH. As you said, we shall see...

....and on a brighter note, especially for those of us who are “impractical, dreamer” Sanders voters:

Yup. Yup. Yup. With ya all the way.

To that point, I am also disappointed that people on the left seem to be emulating the right, in that they quickly resort to playground insults and personal attacks instead of discussing the issues. Saying that I am “boy-crazy” for liking Bernie isn’t far off from Trump calling people losers and idiots for disagreeing

“Republican dark” I like that. But a sitting president would be in a position to shift the party back, something he or she couldn’t do as a senator. Bare in mind, even though it was watered down, and somewhat compromised, President Obama got the ACA passed almost through sheer force of will. Senator Obama could never

oops meant “the entire democratic party” Totally unintentional. but funny that I brainfarted that. Freudian slip? even as much as I consider Obama to be center right, look at how many “liberal democrats” wer against the “public option” in the aca. Don’t kid yourself the dems, for the most part haven’t been progressive

Yeah what you’re failing to point out is that is that the entire republican party has become more conservative, in large part due to the bill clinton administration. He essentially transformed the democratic party into “republican lite”, so it’s not to hard to be the most liberal of mainstram dems. it’s like saying

Tsunami Song: by me! Recorded into a metal song by Thru Such Loss (my crappy band from 2008)! about fukushima!

I don’t think the anger is just at Dems. Many see that there is an inherent problem with campaign finance as it stands, and see any politician participating in the crony capitalist system as selling them out to those with money to buy votes.

Being bought and paid for is not a sexist accusation. Get over it already, I don’t care what;s between her legs. I care what’s in her heart, and what I see there frightens me. She seems to be very much of the republican belief that some of us are destined to serve the elite. in terms of economic philosophy, she’s not

I’m old enough to remember Reagan getting elected. Hard times for the left. The clintons are often credited with revitalizing the democratic party, what is seldom mentioned is that they did it by taking the whole party agressively to the right. Dems like hillary are not very “left” at all. other than a small handful

Oh amd Ilove that you throw “gamergate” in there, another subtle implication that bernie supporter are are MRA’s or some nonsense. Sexism accusations: the last bastion of the Hillary supporter when people have objective, legitimate criticism of their annointed candidate.

Call him what you want, just don’t call me sexist for supporting him. I’m so freaking tired of Hillary and her followers implying progressive men who support Bernie are sexist. Maybe I’m being touchy, but I’m not just supporting Bernie at this point. I’m actively resentful of Hillary and her supporters for acting like

I know history extremely well. That's why I know Steinem has always been problematic. That's why my feelings toward her have always been mixed. And stop saying what she said was silly. It was misogynistic and offensive. Intent means nothing in this world, baby.

Stop giving her a pass. She knows what she said. She's said it before.

She said something idiotic and insulting, not silly. Gloria Steinem is problematic as fuck. She refuses to let her alienating 2nd Wave beliefs die and/or grow and change. The 2nd Wave fell off because it too often told women who they should and shouldn’t be and then insulted them for their choices. It only

Why wouldn’t people think she lies when they see how she has flip-flopped on Iraq war, gay rights, free trade (KORUS, NAFTA,CAFTA, TPP), mass incarceration, immigration, gun control, Keystone pipeline, debt limit, raising payroll taxes, ethanol mandate, charter schools, etc? One thing I do know is that whatever she

I know her history, and respect her. but she’s hurting the feminist cause by implying that women must vote based on a candidates genetalia. Hillary is just as much capable as being part of the establishment as any man, despite Hillary’s protestations to the opposite on thursday night. I feel like I’m being a true

I’m gettig ready to turn 50. I do understand her value in feminist history but she seems so tone-deaf with this remark, really.

Just because others aren’t so willing to give her a pass on a blatantly sexist comment doesn’t mean we’re “demonizing all she ever stood for”. Grow up.