Sasha from Shreveport

Saudi Arabia. 

Yes, we find ourselves in a situation where people like you actively oppose democracy while claiming to love it. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find yourselves your Jar Jar and plunge the galaxy into decades of fascist dictatorship like was your plan all along.

Or maybe she was purposefully reopening the discussion to highlight the actual definition and the fact that they do not need to involve death (yet) to be considered as such. Evolving definitions of things and concepts are important so that we do not continue to shrug injustices off just because they aren’t the worst

The second part is incorrect. Roosevelt himself referred to them as concentration camps at the time.

Why are you so opposed to democracy?

do yourself a favor. read up on the history of the Holocaust.

“May I point you in the direction of the Stroopwafel McFlurry”

You can lead a Moose to a Stroopwafel McFlurry, but you can’t make him one... Because the McFlurry machine is broken.... ; ) 

Just an FYI that "far left liberal" is an oxymoron unless your entire perception of politics is firmly planted in the center-right to far right realm that is American politics.

Thinking there is such a thing as “allowing” someone to be president by not voting for them is undemocratic. Further, even if you think that that is a real thing (it is not), then that way of thinking should apply even stronger to “allowing” a bad candidate to become the Democratic nominee and thus dramatically

Why would supporting one of the 20 candidates who isn’t Joe Biden lead to voting for a third party candidate in the general? How come nobody ever brings this up to Biden supporters in the event that someone else besides him wins the primary?

The man is basically running as a republican. Trump is bad, but you’re deluding yourself if you think things will change dramatically if Biden is elected.

I hope we don’t end up in that position, because old racist misogynist warmonger who’s wrong on virtually every issue vs. old racist misogynist warmonger who’s wrong on virtually every issue is going to be a tough sell for lots of people I think.

It’s a pretty sad sign for the state of American affairs if *this* is as good as you can see things getting. The Obama-type neoliberalism that affords people going to brunch guilt-free for 4-8 years is exactly what created Trump in the first place.

“Something shitty” “some shitty stuff”. You’re really going out of your way to ignore just what it is that Biden did or how it helped create the conditions that bred Trump. 

Man I cannot wait to not vote for this guy

Yeah, I’m not sure I’d have gone with “pathos-based and triggering”. I think I’d have gone with “inherently provocative.”

This exactly. This is unfortunately an old argument, and as much I wish everyone would just acknowledge US concentration camps, I’m not at all surprised at the denial.

America has always called our concentration camps “internment camps” pretending they’re something different because they weren’t run by Nazi Germany,

Chuck Todd is an outright imbecile, and he needs to be fired.

What the fuck Chuck?