Wow, that is an amazing meshup. Awesome job Ivey!
Wow, that is an amazing meshup. Awesome job Ivey!
Guys, I think Brian is saying we all have ugly faces.
Sounds like we’ll get to see how that Star Destroyer was shot down onto Jakka?
Because then it would be on Origin and not Steam.
If only Valve would be less stringent..
Perhaps it is working as intended? Could argue that playing at a lower frame rate means you might be punished by enemies due to running on slower hardware, so therefore faster hardware needs to be balanced.
Is.. Kaceytron’s logo emulating the Brazzers logo?
Seems like both sides handled this rather poorly, but Microsoft seems to have historically handled Phantom Dust poorly.
Wouldn’t it make more sense for his hair to be blue because Broly’s hair was blue when turning super sayian?
Hm.... Because things like muting, reporting, and blocking don’t exist?
They’re sort of the gray market area. Sure they can do good in areas that the US won’t step into - but they can also capitalize war and result in tragedy.
Reverend Flying Spaghetti Monster, of the Church of the Subgenius. drawn? Have you read the bible?
You’d be surprised what’s in the bible that people don’t care to follow.
Show of hands, how many people care if they don’t develop another PC game, with missing features?
Hence the quotes around free.
Makes sense, given their purchase of Twitch and substantial investment of devices typically associated with gaming such as a phone, tablet, and even home console.
Weirder than how to recover Wii downloads?
Now if only Super Metroid/Zero Mission would be released in the 3DS...