Would love to see Goku, you could even have kid Goku with an alternative skin be Gohan!
Would love to see Goku, you could even have kid Goku with an alternative skin be Gohan!
I kind of wish if you get poisoned, all of these things would happen. I mean, squids floating through the air? Yes please.
Oops, tank*
Traffic Simulator 2015?
A dedicated patch notes would be nice, but most games just post announcements to their community (that shows up on the store page) with patchnotes.
Since Valve has already said they want to change Greenlight and their customer service rating...
Pffh. That's no Draconian Deflector, any tand worth their salt has a Draconian Deflector.
Hope someone updates HL2 to Source 2 when it comes out..
Man, what is it with people ignoring science these days?
Not surprising given the amount of data mining that occurs for WoW.
But it's not only humans who are being worked into Lord Vader's machinations. He's also getting his very own droids, as Aphra reactivates two defunct homicidal robots. Built to kill organic lifeforms, they're the exact opposite of Star Wars' most famous automatons.
oh pffh.
How do you know its a her? =p
Gehenna is essentially the place where Wicked people go in Jews, Christian, and Islamic lore, where followers of other gods sacrificed children.
Some interesting alliteration with that title.
I hope someone makes powered toast man....
You know, the absurdity of this is revealed when you change streaming to cinema.
Some fans might concede that the
Well, we want to try. Congress would rather we bath in oil.