Loving all the people coming together against Trump. He’s actually unifying Americans ... against him.
Loving all the people coming together against Trump. He’s actually unifying Americans ... against him.
“If the reverse of this movie was made, I bet you snowflakes would be crying racism.”
Now this is how you boycott. I hope other successful writers with S&S follow Ms. Gay.
Pavlovian response to reading too many Gawker articles.
That’s ok, I thought you were actually making a joke i.e. cops murdering innocent POCs!
Marches and protests aren’t actually a lever of power in the way you’re trying to compare it, and you know it. Go tell it to the Tea Party and 2A protestors that gathered at state capitals the last 8 years.
“Had to use my billion dollar invisible ray gun to help break up the protests. Here’s your bill.”
The ACLU has filed a FOIA as to the tax returns in order to check it against the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution. They are doing amazing work, right now, and sending them a donation is high on my list, today. It’s a selfish thing. Someone out there is protecting my rights.
My go-to news source, since shithead-in-chief hates them so much.
Amazing how the very same people who screamed the loudest about upholding the constitution under Obama are the same ones eagerest to take a dump on it under Trump.
This is ludicrous.. It’s also financial incentive to arrest more people during a protest, and/or to use more expensive and unnecessary means in response. In addition to, you know, violating constitutional rights and effectively threatening people against protesting.
Fuck her. Fuck her racist POS husband, fuck their entire terrible family. None of those people get my sympathy. MAYBE Barron since he’s like, 10 and can’t possibly be complicit in their dismantling of this country but I’m sure he’s going to grow up to be a smarmy, trophy-hunting asshole like his older brothers so…
right on.
Anyone who says this isn’t straight up fascism, is a straight up fascist themselves. Our right to peacefully assemble, which means anything short of actually smashing shit up, is guaranteed by our 1st amendment constitutional rights. Don’t think for a second that this law will not be used by a federal agency at some…
How many executive orders is that now in 5 days and where are the Republicans who were screaming about executive overreach whenever Obama signed one?
I’m old, so I’ve been applying blush the same way since the stone ages, but it works perfect for my oval-ish face: the fish face where you kinda suck in the sides of your cheeks (the sucking in actually starts with your mouth and the cheek area naturally follows) and apply along the slight hollow that is formed in a…
Maxine Waters should be tired. At 78 years old, she shouldn’t be the congresswoman leading the fight against Donald…