
Whelp, adding those to my list entitled “Which State Should I Move To?”

We’d do much better connecting with each other first. If the election showed anything, it’s that a lot of parts of the coalition don’t really know the other parts, let alone what those other parts are doing. WE are the majority, we just need to start acting like it.

Seriously, it’s about time to call on their bullshit the people who bring up the speech of “this is not the ‘right’ way to protest”, “those people aren’t activists, but vandals”, “rioting isn’t the answer”, “blocking traffick is wrong”, “you’re disturbing the life of others”!

I’ve never been much of a petition signer, but I have signed EVERY goddamn anti-Trump petition that has been put in front of me. Fuck you, Cheetolini. I do not consent to your hostile administration. He is NOT MY PRESIDENT.

Switching from hourly to full-time can be tough.

You can see the sparks between the Obamas. There really doesn’t seem to be much between the Trumps.

You have to either make the places people want to live more affordable (cities) or more the affordable places (smaller towns) more desirable. In NY, Cuomo just announced a program that helps recent college graduates buy homes in upstate NY through financial assistance. Under the plan, younger folks are able to buy a

I tried to drink it away, indeed.

USDA? We still have that thing? It’s been like almost two hours!

Snark or no, an historically low inauguration turnout absolutely should be reported, if only to keep emphasizing Trump’s lack of support/approval.

I heard the cheeto monster doesn’t want to take over the POTUS twitter handle but plans to keep his own because he has a yuge amount of followers.

The argument I’ve seen is “that’s because unlike Obama supporters, Trump supporters HAVE JOBS.”

Of course we deserved him. We elected him twice! We chose him to lead us, and he fucking did it! He led the country when the roof fell in on everyone, and he (sometimes) mitigated what damage the Bush administration did. He got the stimulus package passed in 2009 which saved countless jobs (teachers, firefighters,

On the eve of the inauguration, I think it’s a good time to remember that under President Obama, twenty million Americans gained health insurance, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans to single digits; same-sex marriage was legalized; DADT was repealed; combat positions were opened to women and transgender

I am avoiding all coverage, TV, social media etc. I am practicing self-care all tomrrow so I wont be here. Take care and hope you find some peace tomorrow. See you on Saturday!

It makes me sad that this is the only site under this umbrella that gives me an “unsafe site” warning when I try to click it. Can you guys have someone look into that?