The rule is confusing. If a movie star promotes their movie would they have to mark it with #ad? Or an athlete like Lebron, almost every picture he posts has Nike or Beats in it. Is that not an #ad?
The rule is confusing. If a movie star promotes their movie would they have to mark it with #ad? Or an athlete like Lebron, almost every picture he posts has Nike or Beats in it. Is that not an #ad?
I many people look at posts such as the one above of Kylie (possibly wearing something from her collaboration with Puma?) and not know that they’re sponsored content? Does Kendall really need to tag her Estee Lauder stuff with #ad? How different is this from a model posting a shot from a print ad campaign?…
Here’s a good 100th birthday gift: A Massachusetts woman was finally presented with the high school diploma she…
The Justice Department is planning to end the use of private prisons in the United States, the Washington Post…
You bring up a good point. If you’re consistently being asked to work to the point of burn out, remember your company is not your friend and perhaps it is time for a job change.
Only A-C with an optional D? Do you have any scripts that involve A-Δ with a proposed Ε and Ζ on the way?
How fascinating that being your kid’s best friend is the reason Katie Holmes is a 5/5 mom and Jada Pinkett Smith is a 1/5 mom. I wonder what on earth the difference between these two women could possibly be to provoke such disparate reactions to the same information. Hmmm.
There are two other teachers in my grade level and we have a directive that we have to collaborate so we are all teaching the same thing on the same day. (Thanks Common Core) None of us have prep periods at the same time to actually plan or work together.
This is such good advice, even though these conversations can be uncomfortable. I particularly like the notes at the end, in which the author basically says, “If your boss won’t listen or help, feel free to move on.” People are so hesitant to change jobs sometimes, and it’s unfortunate when that loyalty is misplaced.
Even if you have children, do them a favor and plan for your own needs. We are living longer than ever, do you really want to saddle yourself to your children for, potentially, decades? Limiting what they can do with their lives, because they have to stay near you or devote time to your daily care?
I have no doubt in my mind that JD abused her. I also remember blinds about them for months before they called it quits that they were both extremely abusive and volatile. Her video DID seem manipulative to me. “What happened, we weren’t even fighting”, it straight-up reminds me of an addict couple my family knows-…
I’d imagine being surrounded by sycophants for the last 20+ years has something to do with it. When no one’s around to tell you no, you’re gonna keep doing whatever you want.
It would have been better if they cancelled TDS and expanded the time slot to an hour... it has some good stuff but the format they chose for the show really didn’t lend itself to a half hour. It felt too cramped.
This is incredibly disappointing. It had a rocky start, but his show was really finding its groove and doing important (and funny!) stuff. I hope Larry gets the chance to take his voice and talents elsewhere, a la Sam Bee and John Oliver. Thanks for keeping it 100, Larry.
I’d rather see a woman nursing (including possible seeing OMGSH! her nipple!) than hear a crying baby. Why is this STILL going on?
One of the few cases where I’m like, the $$ was nOT enough. She deserves like endless money her whole life. Her whole family does; they’re all suffering, not just her.
So so lucky it didn’t cause permanent damage to the baby. (I don’t think— I didn’t see that in the article.) DAMN!
Currently snorting my birth control off of the back of a bar toilet while googling clinics that perform hysterectomies on otherwise healthy 30-year-olds.
Halp! Why would you push the baby back in like that? Holy hell why? Is that normal? Does it fucking work like that?