
People who go to concerts, plays, or movies and spend the time on their phone are annoying. If you can’t put your phone down, then stay home.

I am not going to lie if there was a chance I could get a picture of a Pikachu chilling next to Rhianna you can be damn sure I would take that chance and catch the fuck out of that Pikachu while I was at it

too real

A bunch of people stand around the Mewtwo stand, frantically battling it.

Also utterly ignore the HR department. I just recently landed a job change and the HR department at every turn kept telling me “they wont go that high”,” They wont give you that”, or “they will not change that”

I am not big into conspiracies, but the one I do like is that the entire Trump campaign was designed to make the RNC look bad to help get HRC elected. Like I’m actually suggesting someone is paying billions so she can be the first woman POTUS.

You’re right, but the point is that TSwift and her people denied that the conversation even took place. Tay has been caught in a lie and her “poor me” narrative is starting to bite her in her perky 25-year old ass.

Her fans are already focusing on the word “bitch.” Her reps previously said she told him not to release the song at all. The video shows her talking to knowing he would release the song but not cautioning him against releasing the song. Maybe she didn’t know about the word “bitch” but this is kind of a backpedal.

I KNEW she lied. I love Kanye but he doesn't have enough shame to bother to lie about this.

I am an admitted Taylor Swift fan, who tends to roll her eyes at Kanye and Kim, but man, even I think this is hilarious. Good on you, Kim. I’ve been laughing all night, and after this week, I needed that. Anyone got popcorn?

I love how she highlights her throating skills. I mean, I can suck a mean dick but some of these hoes insist they shove it in there like I’m doll they bought from a now-defunct sex shop. I need a more considerate main dick.

yes. but what about android.

I really liked her collabs with Missy and my favourite solo ting of hers is, don’t laugh, The Jump Off.

This is likely an accurate interpretation.

I love, love, love RBG, but “or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office;” is kind of what she is doing.

Ugh. I’m a carnivore but I’ve put myself on a 2 year plan to go vegan, starting with eating vegetarian 2 days per week. Thanks for kicking my schedule up a notch today, the slaughter and mayhem needs to stop.

So...buy local?

I’d say it’s totally worth the trouble, i know there are many other talented japanese singers who can pull it off but Utada’s songs really feel like an integral part of the Kingdom Hearts games, it won't feel the same without her.