
No the other ending was Morgan Freeman shooting Kevin Spacey then getting sentenced to prison where upon him being paroled visits a place he promised another inmate he’d go. After which, he meets up with before mentioned inmate in Mexico while he’s cleaning/restoring an old boat.

It’s not a very good sign when someone is pre-emptively going out of their way to make sure people are aware that he has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS.

Trespassers and loiterers on private grounds should disperse. When ordered to do so they should comply immediately, maybe protest nearby on land that is suitable for such activity. Noncompliance makes you a criminal subject to retaliation and the full force of the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction.

Otherwise, what’s the point of having laws?

Attempting to shoot a police officer is not an act of protest genius.

His ass got killed trying to kill the federal and local police sent to arrest him. He got precisely what he wanted. The whole thing was filmed and recorded.

So the Bundy’s can take over public land armed and not only don’t get physically harmed in any way but are let off without any consequences. Meanwhile protesters here get rubber bullets, tear gas, concussion grenades, mace and sprayed with a healthy dose of hypothermia. While I don’t agree with everything these

And don’t forget to bring along the appropriate forms.

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I thought the scene was pretty clear about Kylo’s conflict and why he killed Han. It seemed obvious that Kylo was convincing himself, and doubling down on his decision to stay on the dark side. I definitely think the scene was much more tragic for that, rather than if Kylo was just

Yeah, weird choice to link, there are plenty like this:

When you think about it, it makes sense that it doesn’t work well on androids.

I am now imagining Star Trek Land at Disneyworld and all the awesomeness that would entail.

Here’s the thing: this episode really shouldn’t work. It’s a boring story, and the audience knows that it’s not real.

I’d argue that Babylon Five had the better idea, and the better story to tell, but that Deep Space Nine ultimately had the better execution, and so holds up better over all. Partly thats down to the cast changes and executive meddling on B5, and the fact that its effects don’t hold up so well. Partly its because DS9

Ah, the Montgomery Scott Gambit. That I understand ;)

The type of response to this news separates the actual tech nerds who love technology and the nationalist, judgmental assholes.


Any time I hear a showrunner or filmmaker blame things on the studio, I get a feeling that they're making excuses and blaming an easy target. I know studios have a lot of power and influence, but sometimes it just sounds like "Oh you thought this sucked? Well what really happened was blah blah blah studio meddling".

You stopped at the best part of the story!