
Yet he still managed to kill millions. Imagine if he had figured out how to press that red button...

A missile that could blow up the entirety of China - impressive stuff. Were you Bush's speech writer before you joined Giz?

And it wasn't even written by Diaz.

They could send him to Guantanamo and then he'll have no rights whatsoever - I bet they wish they could do that.

Love it

In a language that you will understand: "BAA BAA BAAAA BAAAAAAA!"

Everything is different in the JJ Star Trek universe... I wonder if Picard even joins Starfleet *sniff*

All on one level? No thanks.

Why don't they introduce peripherals to use with Kinect? Imagine an imitation lightsaber that you swung whilst playing the game; that would improve immersion a million-fold. I can imagine this game being much better using the PS Move peripheral.

Microsoft - please release a lightsaber peripheral for this game. Holding your hands out pretending there is a lightsaber whilst playing the game is hardly going to make you feel like you're a Jedi.

I'm liking how the cars are vibrating; many driving games are too smooth.

I wonder why no-one has built a modern 'replica' of the Titanic. Obviously, it would need to be updated to modern standards and, personally, I think you wouldn't want to make it a precise replica (miss out the lower quarters and update other areas). I can imagine the publicity for the company would be huge and

Are you sure they are really vegetarian or would they still eat something (eg a dessert) with gelatine in it?

I think that's it. I don't understand why they did not notice this during testing - it is a massive flaw.

The idiocy of having a truck full of kerosene on the track in the middle of a race just beggars belief.

Not sure; for some reason it's completely unplayable because of it whereas I didn't have issues with the earlier games.

The only thing I'm dangerously close to is the truth. The influence of Israel in US politics simply could not be any greater. You need only to look at the US' actions in the Middle East looking after Israel's interests and the incredible amount of straight up 'aid' the US provides the country, let alone the sharing of

Sonic is still running in the middle of the screen so that makes it impossible to see what's coming up ahead. A critical flaw in the first ep and it looks like the same flaw in this one too.

Unfortunately the "evil doppelganger" IS America.

"No one talks about the covert and overt influence israel enjoys through funding American congressmen and the control Israel has on American policies through coercion and fear of Jewish lobby."