
Now if you have the technology to move planets and your sun is going supernova then why not just move the planet to another solar system? Heck, if the Sol system was the only place they could move to then why not put the planet at a different orbit?

This is why The Event's main premise was stupid. There is plenty of space to accommodate 2 billion aliens with advanced technology without needing to wipe out most of humanity.

The X-Prize needs to be much more specific and more commercially focused, eg 'design a four-wheel passenger car that does 100 mpg with a range of more than X miles without refueling/recharging and also has a top speed of 70 mph'. Then the winner of the prize is much closer to a commercially viable vehicle.

Fantastic. I was reading the article to see whether it would be linked to terrorism or not but you made the point for me just nicely. I hope people understand the message.

Add some (tasteful) multi-coloured lighting during the night and I think it'll look the business.

She is a liar, two-faced and stupid. Her popularity is based on her ability to polarise people and because she is a circus act.

Says the white guy.

Loved it; now I want a Mass Effect movie!

*super poke*

OMG; my very own tricorder in the Star Trek game! OH YEAH!

If they don't want it after 2020 then I'll have it! I'm sure there are plenty of billionaires who would pay handsomely for some time up there...

Short-haul flights probably don't get as cold as the planes stay at relatively lower altitude.

I would try but I'm in the UK and only have the option to play it on keyboard without the ability to record.

Is this 'I love Steve Jobs and Apple' week at Gizmodo?

Microsoft's and Sony's next console is about 5 years away so that leaves a big long empty gap for some amazing inventive gameplay to fill the void. I think you're not appreciating the novel nature of the console's controller; this isn't to do with competing with the X360/PS3 on the graphical front but offering

I think it's possible but you'd need a PS3, PSV and Move to accomplish only part of what the Wii U offers and it wouldn't be wireless unless they released yet another peripheral.

I have to agree; the potential of this is amazing. Trust Nintendo to invent.

Not really; Nintendo never mentioned the console's power during their presentation except that it would handle HD. They focussed on the controller so much that people were wondering whether there was even a base console or whether the controller was it.

"At this rate I'd pay BioWare $50 just to have their cinematic team remake one of the prequel films"

What is it with tech blogs and gushing praise for anything with an Apple logo? It's like those washing powder commercials where everything turns out perfectly white until the new super version comes out and they suddenly admit that the previous version actually left some very small stains.