
It looks like souls escaping from hell and then most getting sucked right back down again... *shiver*

There is nothing to gain - no oil, no precious metals or need to establish control. The establishment of 'democracy' is what the PR guys sell but the reality is different.

Seriously people - get on with watching the entire series of DS9. Yes, it starts slowly but boy does it develop into something amazing... go go...

What's wrong with capital letters? :)

Never heard of this show before but it just made a massive blip on my scanners!


Seems like a pretty genuine error as many adults think of games consoles as purely for gaming without being aware of the micro-transaction system that is now integral to online consoles. However, parents should always be aware of exactly what they have bought their children and a quick read of the manual would have

I have to disagree with this viewpoint. Kyocera have brought out something very different and should be applauded for their thinking as there is so much potential for the device. A few things to consider:

"If diabetes is defined as restoration of glucose homeostasis to normal..."

The line between insanity and eccentricity is... where?

@ukimalefu: It's only that footage that has been hoaxed; the three other videos (shown in the post) are purported to be genuine.

Stem cells FTW!

What's with the metal pot?

Fantastic; thank you SO much - can't wait to get started!

@jp182: Thanks; any place online that you know of that could be used as a starter course?

This is exactly what my imaginary ideal portable gaming system had... and now it's been realised. Loving it.

It's funny how meditation is so accepted and is said to have a good influence but when someone prays every day many think they're crazy.

It's the Void!