
Come on Dell and hurry up with the Venue Pro.

If Indy dies then please kill the series. NO Shia LaBeouf PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS THAT ARE GOOD AND LOVELY!

Finally; a Comic reader! I hope it's as good as the Scott Pilgrim app.

When do they show London? I only saw Newcastle

Three are an AWFUL network - truly diabolical customer service. Once you have a contract it is almost impossible to end it without a couple of hours worth of (your own) raised voice!

@A Pimp Named DaveR: Is there a story that you go through as you level up? If so, how is this played out - via cut scenes?

People who post a thought/quote for the day and think they are being profound!

@James Valentine: You will find that that is pretty much the extent of the debris at the site - do some research into it.

I'm wondering what evidence was found against the black guy for him to have been arrested and jailed. He would still be there if it wasn't for the real robber's girlfriend.

Gmote also allows you to use your phone as a touchpad for Windows as well as playing media from your PC on your handset (beta so works with audio files for me but not with video).

@Yerzriknot: From what I read elsewhere this kid was part of an online chatroom actively engaged in these activities and may have been a ringleader. It was probably this, rather than the DDoS attacks, that alerted him to the authorities.

A great article and a very apt headline. It's understandable that people disagree with the leaking of 'confidential' information but that doesn't change the reality of the information leaked and the shocking disparity between the PR/propaganda America feeds the people and the reality of what it really is doing.

@Jesse Tobiason: I don't think that's the point of the leaked data at all. Rather, it is to highlight the discrepancies between the propaganda/PR story and the reality.

@absentecho: I think the technicality of the information being stolen should not distract from the wider implications of the leaks, namely the dishonesty of the government when dealing with its own people let alone other countries.