
Needed to be faster (that ball moved soooo slow) but it was still great. Ending was totally brilliant.

@ErasmusSB654: You got in there first (although to be pedantic it's just The Void)! Working my way through the last book; brilliant stuff...

Even with prefab I'm sure British builders would still take 6 months when you factor in all the tea breaks.

@Herabek: It's more than 1000 people so that's at least 530 who guessed correctly and 470 who guessed wrong.

Oh man; where did I put my face?! Typical, you put something in a safe place thinking you'll never need it and then this type of tech comes out.

@Murray Hewitt: Actually; I have studied science all my life and work within it so know all about evidence-based science. I also know that 'scientists' thought that the Earth was flat and the centre of the universe.

Seeing as only a few people went up to her I hope she sat down with them and had a cup of tea and a nice long chat

@Murray Hewitt: What exactly do these average astronomers learn that dismisses even the idea of alien abductions? With all due respect, you are talking out of your arse.

@Alex McMillan: Precisely what I was going to write. Just the hilt though; not the whole thing!

@Ayleron: And the big boys will talk about all the millions they donate to these countries all the while stifling billions in economic revenue!

Klaatu barada nikto... phew; that was close!

"Only wish: Wireless please."

"Cocoa's notoriously difficult to harvest, meaning more and more small-scale West African growers—who make an average of 80 cents per day—have little incentive not to turn to more lucrative crops, like rubber, or give up farming altogether in favor of more stable opportunities in cities."

Is this Gizmodo or did I just enter the website for Fox News? Source material from The Sun and Daily Mail... geez...

Meh. Go check out some of the amazing stuff the XBMC crew have

@NorthernRoamer: I've done it before; made a last-minute decision to take my bag as hand luggage rather than check it in and completely forgot about everything in it that was restricted.

@samuriwerewolf: And stay there! (this only makes sense after puhsitch's comment)

He'll have 10 please.

Any way of downloading these comics for an Android handset?