
@foo: Interesting, but not really anything major. Reaction to it seems to stem from an exaggerated public fear of nuclear technology brought about by Chernobyl and the 'nuclear' bomb.

@thefingerofgod: Of course it "could" happen; just like I 'could' get run over by a bus next time I cross the street. However, I think the latest nuclear power plant designs would be an incredible order of magnitude safer than a Chernobyl-type plant.

@monstermax: They didn't invade Iraq because of WMDs either.

Bye bye PSP!

Guybrush: "I've spoken with apes more polite then you."

"I've got a long, sharp lesson for you you to learn today."

@steverngallo: After some careful analysis, I've narrowed it down to: larger than a football; smaller than Jupiter.

They should just do a full-on Star Wars animated movie in the style of that Old Republic trailer!

Is this all media, ie videos too?

@BoxOfScraps: I think the general public is still falling for the 'terrorist threat' line.

@corpore-metal: If humans ever stumble upon life on another planet then it is only reasonable to want to study them before making contact. The best way to do that isn't by plopping your starship in the middle of a populated area.

So burlesque = strip dance?

I would love for this to be re-made. I never had a machine that could play this when I was young so I would to play a totally new WC game (and I'm not talking that crappy XBLA title!).

It seems to be a Coke truck metamorphosing into a Pepsi truck and then back again. The Pepsi image is the anomalous one - just move backwards and you'll see.

Somebody screws with the computers in a nuclear power plant and everyone thinks it's OK?

"Fans of those old adventure games will like it."

@Shippoyasha: They have a radio that they can ALL listen to; what they aren't allowed to do is listen to music individually

@RySenkari: They're trying to keep these people sane by keeping them communicating with one another and working as a group. Having individuals isolating themselves even further than they already are isn't helpful.