
Don't see why the two 'explanations' are mutually exclusive...

What the hell is wrong with society today...

I'm not against GM food but it needs to be tested in the same way as prescription medicines with it's safety assessed via double-blind, randomised trials. It probably isn't feasible to check the long-term effects but there is no reason why the short- or mid-term safety couldn't be assessed. The onus should also be on

@Mount_Prion: Unfortunately not; it's Morgan Sheppard.

Eve Online needs a similar client to manage the levelling up/research.

Exactly how did he discover this?

"This is the same reason why people in Japan don't look at McDonalds and think "America". It's far beyond that."

what's the deal with michael jackson anyway? i listened to him once. then i analysed the song mechanics, deduced that the rest of the songs would be lots of 'ows' and 'shamone's and sat my laptop speakers down.

Oh... dear...

@Charliehorse: Not necessarily; we've only heard one half of the story.

It's not about 'need', it's about 'want'...

@LetsTryThisAgain: What's the deal with work anyway? I went to the office once. Then I analysed the office mechanics, deduced that the rest of the time would be spent working your guts out just so your boss could get all the praise and promotions and so I went home.

A couple of quid for a downloadable movie with expanded cut-scenes to make it a totally coherent standalone story... yeah, I'd buy it.

Looks like the name of the class is completely wrong: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI)!

Sweet - thanks!

It's funny how one extremist spouts his filth and pretty much everyone can see that he is a lunatic. Yet when an Islamic extremist spouts his filth, he's taken to represent the 1.5 billion muslims on this planet.

@joe57005: Ah yes, where is the outrage when Muslims do anything

@hatmadeofjam: Exactly what is all this evidence that tells us god is "almost impossibly improbable"?

@Desertwolf: Fortunately, I am. Unfortunately, I had to say I was!