
It's from the Jamaa Fanaka classic Penitentiary III

They misspelled her name. It should read "Mergie Gerdenberger."

I'm convinced Don Hertzfeldt is the second coming of Kurt Vonnegut.

"Take that you freaky piece of shit! You don't mow another guy's lawn!" - Marty Hart/Roy Munson

The Salton Sea.

"That's what I love about my dead daughter, man. I get older, she stays the same age." - Cohle

If this episode ended with a post-credits tag of Huell still locked away in his house, I'd give it an A++.


I should add that Jesse could partially fulfill my ideal character arc by deciding to take care of Brock in her absence, but this option still seems to oversimplify the show's complex reality (e.g. assuming Andrea has no immediate next of kin, etc.).

Anyone else feel like Breaking Bad crossed the line with Andrea's murder?

I never said the phone call completely exonerates Skylar from her role in Walt's atrocities (though who's to say she won't still get off easy? She's a maestro with the Quicken as we all know…). That said, I stand by my original comment: Walt's phone call was absolutely calculated to diminish the fallout on Skylar's

Walt's final phone call last night was one of the strangest, most profound acts of compassion I've ever seen. You could even see it in Skylar's face midway during the conversation - she realized it was yet another lie, but with an altogether different purpose than before. 
He was no longer attempting to save face or