SO fake. My guess is that the lady’s fiance has a close but nonincestuous relationship with his sister, and she resents it, so she threw in a couple real details and then made up the whole tale of shared beds and wedding dresses and sister honeymoons to blow off some steam.
It’s so poorly done. Why do celebs get terrible tattoos when they can afford to hire the best artists?
Of all the things to to worry about, the mental health of this egocentric wanker is not one of them...
Maybe he should ask the woman he “made” Taylor Swift for some financial help. She seems to be doing really well!
I mean, I get that line of thinking, but let’s keep it 100: why would she keep bringing that up if it wasn’t to try to shame him? Why would it be shameful?
You are being generous with your grading system.
Why is there always someone ready to jump in with the “I KNEW HE WAS BAD ALL ALONG!” comment whenever some rape scandal comes up? Good for you, Captain Hindsight. Maybe next time use your rapist detecting superpower BEFORE there have been a bunch of articles on how he’s a rapist.
I dont have ADD... but I agree with your sentiment. Being eaten out for me is more like a fun way to relax and get into the mood, I rarely come from it. I like the feeling of our bodies all together and kind of squooshed and it gives me something to do
Or (serious query) is that only a thing those of us with ADD experience?
I don’t understand consistently vilifying awards shows because most of the nominees are white when that seems symptomatic of the larger issue that studios are disproportionately fond of casting white men as the lead character of anything that isn’t a biopic, romantic comedy, or crappy action movie. Are the Academy…
Soooooo adorable how no one ever considers the notion that Will/Jada might be bisexual. Totally inconceivable that he could both be attracted to his beautiful wife and men. And that they might have an understanding along those lines? Like, God forbid they respect each other’s sexual inclinations and still love each…
Regarding the “doesn’t your man have a mouth” comment, I think she meant that since HE’S the one who didn’t get nominated, he should be the one speaking. I don’t think she meant it like “the man should be the one that speaks”
I kind of agree with aunt Viv. Will and Jada are delusional about their acting capabilities. Bitter or not, she didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.
Bitter, sure, but she made some good points, no? If she asked Will to organize and ask for more money for their show, and she got that answer (“I got my deal, you got your own deals”), she has a point.
I’d rather walk into a restaurant and be robbed of 800 dollars at gun point by the whole staff but left 20 dollars to go to taco bell and get a cheap bottle of wine after. At least then you’d have an interesting story. And I can eat the Taco Bell while binge watching tv.
This is something that always puts a bug up my nose, so bear with me; it’s my opinion, but it’s also based on general academic protocol in the United States.
1. The term “doctor” for an academic predates, by hundreds of years, the arrogation of the the term medical doctor by doctors. Before we had “doctors” we pretty much had physicians and surgeons, the former of which dreamt up really weird treatments, and the latter of which were regarded as grave robbers. tl; dr: The…
Me, too. At first, I just thought people were willfully ignoring facts to make fun of an idiot, but then I realized that I only know this because I’m An Old. Now I’m a Sad Old. :(