Hughes comes out against the idea that Weinstein and Pitt should dominate a conversation about Jolie’s book, but does so by writing an article dominated by Weinstein and Pitt that barely mentions the book.
Hughes comes out against the idea that Weinstein and Pitt should dominate a conversation about Jolie’s book, but does so by writing an article dominated by Weinstein and Pitt that barely mentions the book.
They could make an entire franchise of camera-themed mediocre thrillers. Minolta Has Fallen, starring Nick Nolte.
Agreed. That psychiatrist issue of X Factor belongs in any list of best Marvel comics.
It’s ironic that you’re in here defending people acting like assholes in movie theaters, then turn around and say the world is a toilet as if one is not a direct indication of the other.
I love this mindset that the internet has where they think everyone must be as interested in whatever they’re focusing on at the moment as intently as they are, and if someone isn’t, the reaction is disbelief, shock and anger. It would be like if I walked into a room muttering about something and started punching…
I would pay double for a WWE PPV if it Werner Herzog did color commentary.
I feel like 2019's news is just being written by a random plot generator.
I don’t know if it’s sexist, but there’s certainly better things to make fun of her for, like everything Goop-related.
That’s pretty much my take on it. WTF is he asking “the feminists” to do? Defend her? Why? On what grounds? She’s not been criticized for her gender. She’s been criticized because she’s a mendacious shill for the most corrupt president in US history. That makes her fair game for criticism. “The feminists” do not have…
Sure it was.
What the hell is he even talking about with that initial Sarah Sanders tweet? Does he think feminism means blindly defending anyone with a vagina from any kind of criticism?
I’m pushing 50 now and I still listen to Death Metal. The weird thing is, Death Metal kinda opened the door for me to get into Jazz. John Zorn, Ornette Coleman, Eric Dolphy...there is something about their music that hits the same spot in my brain that metal does. I always have my iPod set to shuffle and sometimes a…
Neutral Milk Hotel is a grating bandname and the band’s music is not interesting enough to compensate for it.
Surprised not to have seen them anywhere, but how about this three track set from side A of Metallica’s Ride the Lighting:
I like your choices. Might I add Appetite for Destruction?
Your AC/DC selections are solid, but I have to counter with:
As far as AC/DC tracks go, Live Wire - T.N.T. - Can I Sit Next to You Girl is also pretty great.