
Howdy - I’m a Dallas resident and I would kill to pick your brain for a bit since this issue grinds my gears a bit. Some background:

Sure thing:

I own a 2006 CTS-V, so I’m getting a kick out of these replies. The interior quality is about what you’d expect for just before bankruptcy GM. It’s worn fairly well for 130k miles, but we’re certainly not talking fine Corinthian leather here. The seats are perfect for DD duty, but it could use a bit more bolstering

I’m glad he went sober. This interview was hard to watch.

Ugh, dammit. Say it with me now.

Having driven an ATS on that Omega platform, Ford will have their work cut out for them. The platform is buttoned the hell down. If they make this one dance like the ATS can, yikes.

For the most part, I’d agree with your conclusion never to shop at big bike shops. They’ve been driven way upmarket since you can find most of what you’re looking for online, and sort of rely on the clueless, “I have money but don’t want to spend the time looking online”, folks to drive up margin. Still no excuse to

Some background: Ferrari pioneered the lease program on the F50. Back in the early 90's, an F40 got Lemon Law'd in the US and, per regulations, the manufacturer has to buy the car for the purchase price. Since dealer markup was crazy, Ferrari ended up out of pocket several hundred thousand dollars from a dealer that

Unless I'm mistaken, Lexus just made a Chevrolet SS competitor.

I think it'd help here to have some perspective on the US interstate system that Eisenhower kicked off versus the Autobahn that the Nazi (not trying to Godwin the thread, just history) government put into place.

I suspect this has a lot to do with internal politics. Go read up on what happened to GM in the 1980s and the consolidation of their platforms and you'll see the root of Cadillac's downfall. This is a first step to distance themselves.

My first car was a 1970 Cutlass - and it's still in the family. My dad restored it once I got done with it in high school. It taught me an important lesson - every few weeks, generally at a gas station or out in a parking lot (or even at a stoplight) - someone would pull up next to me and ask about the car, always

Second vote for the one out at Wright-Pat. The Smithsonian is neat - but Dayton is an absolute trip. Expect to spend half a day. Probably my favorite museum.

Gorgeous and an excellent use of technology? Sure thing. But on the grounds of safety and practicality? The tactile response means you don't have to take your eyes off the road. Shoot, I've got a HUD in my car - which means I don't even have to look down to change the radio station. Or even shift for that matter.

I was hoping TokyoBayAquaLine would post up - because the Mid Night Club's story is one that needs to be told.

Can we talk for one second here? I mean, I'm not Jalopnik's rap czar or anything like Raph. But that was - in all honesty - good rap. Like, really quite good. And it's a rap video that doesn't immediately make you react with "this wasn't new anymore in 1996 why are you still showing the same thing oh look more

GF is financing a 2014 Passat TDI that had $8k knocked off the original selling price because it had been driven 6,000 miles (couple needed more space and got a Cayenne diesel). Car will be a reasonably permanent addition to the fleet - couldn't be happier.

Drive wasn't for you. I went to see it with my sister and my folks. My sister and I loved it, they hated it. I definitely get that side of things. From a slow-building, character developing, and ESPECIALLY from a cinematic standpoint, I loved it from title to credits. That scene with Bryan Cranston on the back of

One question: The guy is a videographer for a rally in which they've most likely got SD cards full of video evidence of multiple identifiable parties breaking multiple state and municipal laws. Locally, we had a big fracas when a police officer confiscated a GoPro from a local rider and used it as evidence. Could that

Oak Cliff reporting in. Yup. Nailed it.