
could this have been enough to throw off the course of the Devonshire

So instead of picking up hires from any large manufacturer that’s got some grounding in logistics, supply chain management, or production experience, they’re going for some more Silicon Valley fodder to bring them out of an era where their quality and parts availability are causing assembly line and QC nightmares? How

All of this.

Heh, as soon as I saw this post I knew his car had to be the subject. I know the owner - he’s an extremely (almost to a fault) nice, and very unassuming guy. Car has been well taken care of by McLaren, and he’s owned it since new. The plate is a bit over the top, but he’s got a quirky sense of humor.

Former ‘88 RS owner, and I’ve had the rear glass busted in mine in a break-in while I was in class about 10 years back, so I know the feeling.

I should probably clarify a bit - I don’t mean to knock Chumpcar at all. I’ve done LeMons and I absolutely adored every second of it. I imagine Chumpcar is nothing less. WRL and AER take those two series and strip most of the paegentry and ratchet up the speed and experience required a good bit. There are a lot of

Just ran WRL for the first time at TWS last fall. Exactly what I expected, and then some. For racers, by racers. Lemons and Chump car are great, but for folks who want to race and race competitively and enjoy something a step above deathtrap, WRL is right about perfect. I can’t begin to say enough about the series.

I’ll vouch. Maybe if you’re running an indoor track in suburban Connecticut, sharing helmets works. But an outdoor track here in 105 ambient in a Texas summer? Hard pass. I’ll leave my Nomex, but I paid for a helmet so I don’t have to try to rationalize my way through why the padding is soggy.

Now playing

This rally has been something pretty special over the years - there’s really been no better way to see the world than to take one of the Dustball routes. I have to share one story:

You’ll definitely want a co-driver for this event. The directions can get quite crazy and you’d be a bit lost without a navigator. The good news is that there are always a few one-off folks looking to either drive or co-drive, so if you’re still looking for someone, just reach out to the organizers and they should be

We’ve had a few S-Classes, but never a W140. Rumor has it there is a team building a W126 with an LS3 down in Houston, but that’s just rumors. Love the old slab sides - it’d be about perfect.

We had a bit of extra room in our C6 this year, you’re welcome to throw a bag in next year.

That section was so much fun. Andy did well this year. WV’s route was amazing.

This is silly, the answer is G35 sedan/coupe. I know this is the answer because I just saw it done this month, totalling somewhere north of 4,000 miles over two weeks, Dallas to North Dakota via the entire northeastern seaboard. 6MT, 2005-2006. Fast enough, reliable to a fault, handles West Virgina well. Here’s a link

Girlfriend’s dad flies a tanker aircraft - he’s got some fairly strong opinions on these. They fly well within drone range since they’re so low, and since their flight path can change on a whim, they need a wide berth free of drones. The kicker on these is that the overwhelming majority of tanker aircraft cannot land

Shipley’s, no less. Don’t mind if I do.

I was skeptical, HOWEVER: if the Meddlesome Moth is doing it, I will try it.

Man - you nail some good points here. That’s one of the biggest issues our light rail system has. We’re so spread out down here that light rail is an impossible sell. We’re roughly half the population density of Los Angeles (11,911.3/square mile in Dallas versus 23,887.2/square mile in LA) so the problem compounds

First things first: I-35 through Austin is a fucking travesty. In what H.P. Lovecraft novel did the lifeblood of NAFTA become Michael Dell’s personal commute? It’s an abysmal experience no matter what time of day or night - and there isn’t even an urban planner to blame since I think you’d have an impossible time

Hey - I can certainly relate over here in Dallas. I found myself commuting about 3 hours a day (a 15 minute drive at starting at 4:15, an hour train ride, and a 15 minute walk from the station to my office) from the TCU area in Fort Worth to Uptown Dallas. My girlfriend suggested we look for a place that was a bit